Vue.js Interview Questions Your Guide to Success

Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, is popular for building interactive user interfaces, making it a vital skill for frontend developers and UI engineers. offers a curated collection of Vue.js interview questions, real-world scenarios, and expert guidance to help you excel in your next technical interview.



    • What is Vue.js and what are its main features?

      Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Key features include reactive data...

    • How do you create a new Vue project?

      Create Vue projects using Vue CLI with 'vue create project-name' or quick start using CDN. Vue CLI provides project...

    • What is the difference between Vue 2 and Vue 3?

      Vue 3 introduces Composition API, improved TypeScript support, multiple root elements, Teleport, Fragments, and...

    • How do you configure a Vue application?

      Configure Vue application using createApp() method. Set global options, plugins, and components. Configure via...

    • What is the Vue instance lifecycle?

      Vue instance goes through creation (setup data observation), mounting (DOM compilation), updating (re-render), and...

    • How do you handle data in Vue components?

      Define data using data() function returning object in Options API or ref()/reactive() in Composition API. Data...

    • What are computed properties in Vue?

      Computed properties are cached, reactive data properties that update when dependencies change. Define using computed...

    • How do you handle events in Vue?

      Handle events using v-on directive or @ shorthand. Support event modifiers, arguments, and method calls. Example:...

    • What are directives in Vue?

      Directives are special attributes with v- prefix that apply reactive behavior to DOM. Common directives include...

    • How do you handle conditional rendering?

      Use v-if, v-else-if, v-else for conditional rendering. v-show for toggle visibility. v-if removes/adds elements from...

    • How do you implement watchers?

      Use watch option or watch() function to react to data changes. Support deep watching, immediate execution. Handle...

    • How do you handle component registration?

      Register components globally using app.component() or locally in components option. Support async components. Handle...

    • How do you implement mixins?

      Create mixins to share component logic. Handle mixin merging. Support global mixins. Implement mixin lifecycle....

    • How do you handle plugin development?

      Create plugins using install method. Handle plugin options. Support global features. Implement plugin API. Handle...

    • How do you implement filters?

      Create filters for value transformation in Vue 2. Replace with methods or computed properties in Vue 3. Handle...

    • How do you implement dynamic components?

      Use component element with :is binding. Handle component switching. Support keep-alive. Implement lazy loading....

    • How do you handle async data loading?

      Implement async data fetching in created/mounted hooks or setup(). Handle loading states. Support error handling....

    • How do you implement render functions?

      Use render functions for programmatic template creation. Handle virtual DOM nodes. Support JSX. Implement render...

    • How do you handle dependency injection?

      Use provide/inject for dependency injection. Handle injection inheritance. Support reactive injection. Implement...

    • How do you implement custom reactivity?

      Create custom reactive systems. Handle dependency tracking. Support reactivity transformation. Implement custom...

    • How do you handle advanced plugin architectures?

      Design plugin systems. Handle plugin compatibility. Support plugin composition. Implement plugin lifecycle. Handle...

    • How do you handle advanced error handling?

      Implement error tracking systems. Handle error recovery. Support error reporting. Implement error boundaries. Handle...

    • How do you implement advanced rendering patterns?

      Create custom rendering systems. Handle render optimization. Support virtual scrolling. Implement render caching....

    • How do you handle advanced state management?

      Implement complex state patterns. Handle state persistence. Support state synchronization. Implement state machines....

    • How do you implement advanced component communication?

      Create complex event systems. Handle cross-component communication. Support event buses. Implement communication...

    • How do you handle production deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle build optimization. Support continuous integration. Implement deployment...

    • What are Vue components?

      Components are reusable Vue instances with template, script, and style blocks. They encapsulate HTML, JavaScript,...

    • How do you create a Single File Component (SFC)?

      Create .vue files with template, script, and style sections. Support component logic, template syntax, and scoped...

    • What are component props?

      Props are custom attributes for passing data to child components. Define using props option or defineProps. Support...

    • How do you emit events from components?

      Use $emit method or defineEmits to emit custom events. Parent components listen using v-on or @. Support event...

    • What are slots in Vue?

      Slots provide content distribution points in component templates. Support default content, named slots, and scoped...

    • How do you register components?

      Register globally using app.component() or locally in components option. Support async components and dynamic...

    • What is the difference between ref and reactive?

      ref wraps primitive values, reactive creates reactive objects. ref requires .value for access in script. Both...

    • How do you use v-model with components?

      Implement v-model using modelValue prop and update:modelValue event. Support custom v-model modifiers. Handle form...

    • What are component lifecycle hooks?

      Hooks run at specific stages of component lifecycle. Include created, mounted, updated, unmounted. Support setup and...

    • What is the composition API setup function?

      setup runs before component creation. Returns reactive state and methods. Replaces Options API features. Access...

    • How do you handle async components?

      Define async components using defineAsyncComponent. Support loading and error states. Handle component lazy loading....

    • How do you implement provide/inject?

      Use provide/inject for dependency injection. Handle reactivity. Support injection key management. Implement...

    • How do you handle scoped slots?

      Pass data to slot content using scoped slots. Support slot props. Handle template refs. Implement slot fallback...

    • How do you implement composables?

      Create reusable composition functions. Handle state sharing. Support composition hooks. Implement composition...

    • How do you handle component events?

      Use emits option or defineEmits. Support event validation. Handle event modifiers. Implement event patterns....

    • How do you handle component refs?

      Use ref attribute and ref() function. Access DOM elements and component instances. Handle template refs. Implement...

    • How do you handle component inheritance?

      Extend components using extends option. Handle inheritance chain. Support mixin inheritance. Implement inheritance patterns.

    • How do you implement advanced slots?

      Create complex slot systems. Handle slot composition. Support dynamic slots. Implement slot patterns. Handle slot...

    • How do you handle component testing?

      Implement component test strategies. Handle unit testing. Support integration testing. Implement test utilities....

    • How do you implement advanced composables?

      Create complex composition patterns. Handle state sharing. Support composition hooks. Implement advanced patterns....

    • How do you handle component architecture?

      Design scalable component systems. Handle component organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design...

    • How do you handle component security?

      Implement security measures. Handle XSS prevention. Support content security. Implement security patterns. Handle...

    • What is reactivity in Vue.js?

      Reactivity is Vue's system for automatically updating the DOM when data changes. Uses Proxy-based reactivity in Vue...

    • How do computed properties work?

      Computed properties are cached reactive values that update when dependencies change. Define using computed() or...

    • What are watchers in Vue?

      Watchers observe reactive data changes and execute callbacks. Use watch option or watch() function. Support deep...

    • How do you handle reactive arrays?

      Use array methods that trigger reactivity (push, pop, splice). Avoid directly setting array indices. Use spread...

    • What is the composition API ref?

      ref creates reactive reference to value. Access via .value in script. Automatically unwrapped in templates. Handles...

    • How do you handle reactive objects?

      Use reactive() for objects, ref() for primitives. Handle nested reactivity. Support deep reactivity. Implement...

    • What is shallow reactivity?

      shallowRef and shallowReactive create shallow reactive references. Only top-level properties are reactive. Useful...

    • How do you trigger reactivity manually?

      Use triggerRef() for refs, trigger component updates with nextTick(). Force component re-render. Handle manual...

    • What are readonly properties?

      Create readonly versions of reactive objects using readonly(). Prevent mutations. Support readonly refs. Implement...

    • How do you handle computed with side effects?

      Use watchers instead of computed for side effects. Handle async computed. Support computed caching. Implement...

    • How do you handle nested reactivity?

      Use deep reactivity with reactive(). Handle nested objects and arrays. Support deep watching. Implement nested patterns.

    • How do you implement reactive caching?

      Cache computed results. Handle cache invalidation. Support cache strategies. Implement caching patterns. Handle...

    • How do you handle reactivity debugging?

      Use Vue devtools. Track reactive dependencies. Support debugging tools. Implement debugging strategies. Handle...

    • How do you implement reactive patterns?

      Create reusable reactive patterns. Handle state sharing. Support composition. Implement pattern libraries. Handle...

    • How do you handle reactive collections?

      Use reactive Maps and Sets. Handle collection methods. Support collection reactivity. Implement collection patterns.

    • How do you implement reactive storage?

      Create persistent reactive state. Handle storage sync. Support storage patterns. Implement storage strategies....

    • How do you handle reactive middleware?

      Implement middleware for reactive updates. Handle transformation pipeline. Support middleware chain. Implement...

    • How do you implement advanced reactive systems?

      Create complex reactive architectures. Handle advanced patterns. Support system composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle reactivity performance?

      Optimize reactive updates. Handle large datasets. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization strategies.

    • How do you implement reactive testing?

      Create reactive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Handle...

    • How do you handle reactive security?

      Implement security measures. Handle data protection. Support secure patterns. Implement security strategies.

    • How do you implement reactive monitoring?

      Track reactive system metrics. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle reactive architecture?

      Design scalable reactive systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you implement reactive documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

    • How do you handle reactive deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement reactive migrations?

      Handle system upgrades. Support version migration. Implement migration strategies. Handle compatibility issues.

    • What are Vue directives?

      Directives are special attributes with v- prefix that apply reactive behavior to DOM. Built-in directives include...

    • How does v-bind work?

      v-bind dynamically binds attributes or props to expressions. Shorthand is :. Example: v-bind:href or :href. Supports...

    • What is v-if vs v-show?

      v-if conditionally renders elements by adding/removing from DOM. v-show toggles display CSS property. v-if supports...

    • How do you use v-for?

      v-for iterates over arrays/objects. Syntax: v-for='item in items' or v-for='(value, key) in object'. Requires :key...

    • What is v-model?

      v-model creates two-way data binding on form inputs. Automatically handles different input types. Supports modifiers...

    • How does v-on work?

      v-on listens to DOM events. Shorthand is @. Example: v-on:click or @click. Supports event modifiers and method...

    • What are template expressions?

      Template expressions use {{ }} syntax for data binding. Support JavaScript expressions. Access component properties...

    • What are directive modifiers?

      Modifiers are special postfixes denoted by dot. Example: .prevent, .stop, .capture. Modify directive behavior....

    • How do you use v-pre?

      v-pre skips compilation for element and children. Displays raw mustache tags. Useful for displaying template syntax....

    • What is v-once?

      v-once renders element/component once only. Skips future updates. Improves performance for static content. Content...

    • How do you create custom directives?

      Custom directives use app.directive() or locally in component directives option. Define hooks like mounted, updated....

    • How do directive hooks work?

      Directive hooks include beforeMount, mounted, beforeUpdate, updated, beforeUnmount, unmounted. Access element and...

    • How do you handle dynamic directive arguments?

      Use square brackets for dynamic arguments. Example: v-bind:[attributeName]. Support dynamic event names. Handle null...

    • How do you implement slot directive?

      Use v-slot directive for named slots. Support scoped slots. Handle slot props. Implement slot fallback content....

    • How do you handle class bindings?

      Use v-bind:class with object/array syntax. Support multiple classes. Handle dynamic classes. Implement conditional...

    • How do you implement style bindings?

      Use v-bind:style with object/array syntax. Support multiple styles. Handle vendor prefixes. Implement dynamic...

    • How do you handle form input bindings?

      Use v-model for different input types. Handle checkboxes, radio buttons, selects. Support array/boolean bindings....

    • How do you implement conditional rendering?

      Use v-if, v-else-if, v-else. Handle template v-if. Support key management. Implement conditional groups. Handle...

    • How do you handle list rendering?

      Use v-for with key attribute. Handle array mutations. Support object iteration. Implement filtered/sorted lists....

    • How do you implement event handling?

      Use v-on directive with modifiers. Handle method events. Support inline handlers. Implement event objects. Handle...

    • How do you implement advanced directive patterns?

      Create complex directive systems. Handle advanced cases. Support pattern composition. Implement reusable patterns....

    • How do you handle directive optimization?

      Optimize directive performance. Handle caching strategies. Support lazy evaluation. Implement optimization patterns....

    • How do you implement directive testing?

      Create directive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Handle...

    • How do you handle directive security?

      Implement security measures. Handle XSS prevention. Support content security. Implement security patterns. Handle...

    • How do you implement directive documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems....

    • How do you handle directive versioning?

      Implement semantic versioning. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement version control....

    • How do you implement directive libraries?

      Create reusable directive libraries. Handle distribution. Support theming. Implement documentation. Handle...

    • How do you handle directive architecture?

      Design scalable directive systems. Handle organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design systems....

    • How do you implement directive monitoring?

      Track directive usage and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • What is Vue Router?

      Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js. Enables navigation between pages, supports nested routes,...

    • How do you install and configure Vue Router?

      Install using npm/yarn, create router instance with createRouter(), configure routes array with path and component...

    • What are route parameters?

      Dynamic segments in route path marked with colon. Example: /user/:id. Access via useRoute().params or $route.params....

    • How do you handle nested routes?

      Define child routes in children array of parent route. Use router-view for nested components. Support multiple...

    • What are navigation guards?

      Middleware functions that guard navigations. Include beforeEach, beforeResolve, afterEach globally, and beforeEnter...

    • How do you use router-link?

      Component for declarative navigation. Supports to prop for destination, active class styling. Example: <router-link...

    • What is programmatic navigation?

      Navigate using router.push() or router.replace(). Support path object notation. Handle navigation with useRouter()...

    • How do you handle query parameters?

      Access via useRoute().query or $route.query. Support multiple parameters. Handle URL encoding. Persist across...

    • What are named routes?

      Routes with name property for reference. Use in router-link :to='{ name: 'route' }'. Support params binding. Avoid...

    • What is route meta information?

      Custom fields in meta property of routes. Access via route.meta. Use for route-specific data. Handle authorization,...

    • How do you implement route transitions?

      Use transition component around router-view. Support enter/leave transitions. Handle per-route transitions....

    • How do you handle scroll behavior?

      Configure scrollBehavior in router options. Handle scroll position restoration. Support smooth scrolling. Implement...

    • How do you handle route guards composition?

      Combine multiple guards. Handle guard chain. Support async guards. Implement guard utilities. Handle guard ordering.

    • How do you implement route aliases?

      Define alias property in routes. Support multiple aliases. Handle SEO considerations. Implement redirect patterns....

    • How do you handle route props?

      Enable props in route configuration. Support boolean mode, object mode, function mode. Handle prop types. Implement...

    • How do you implement data fetching?

      Handle data fetching in navigation guards or setup(). Support loading states. Implement error handling. Handle data...

    • How do you handle dynamic matching patterns?

      Use regex patterns in route paths. Support parameter constraints. Handle wildcard routes. Implement matching strategies.

    • How do you handle route error states?

      Implement error pages. Handle navigation errors. Support error recovery. Implement error boundaries. Handle error logging.

    • How do you implement advanced routing patterns?

      Create complex routing systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement routing strategies.

    • How do you handle route optimization?

      Optimize route configuration. Handle route caching. Support code splitting. Implement performance strategies. Handle...

    • How do you implement route testing?

      Create router test suites. Handle navigation testing. Support guard testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test coverage.

    • How do you handle route security?

      Implement route protection. Handle authentication flows. Support authorization. Implement security patterns. Handle...

    • How do you implement route monitoring?

      Track navigation metrics. Handle analytics integration. Support performance monitoring. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle route architecture?

      Design scalable routing systems. Handle route organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement routing hierarchy.

    • How do you handle route deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle server configuration. Support hosting platforms. Implement deployment patterns.

    • How do you implement route migrations?

      Handle route structure changes. Support path migrations. Implement redirects. Handle compatibility. Manage migration state.

    • What is Vuex and Pinia?

      Vuex and Pinia are state management patterns/libraries for Vue.js applications. Vuex is traditional with mutations,...

    • What are the main concepts of Vuex?

      Vuex has five core concepts: State, Getters, Mutations, Actions, and Modules. State holds data, Getters compute...

    • How does Pinia differ from Vuex?

      Pinia offers simpler API without mutations, better TypeScript support, multiple stores without modules, automatic...

    • How do you define a Pinia store?

      Use defineStore with unique id and options or setup syntax. Contains state, getters, and actions. Example:...

    • What are Vuex mutations?

      Mutations are synchronous functions that modify state. Only way to change state in Vuex. Committed using commit...

    • How do you access state in components?

      In Vuex: use mapState helper or $store.state. In Pinia: use store instance directly or storeToRefs. Both support...

    • What are actions in state management?

      Actions handle asynchronous operations. Can commit mutations (Vuex) or directly modify state (Pinia). Support...

    • How do you handle getters?

      Getters compute derived state. Access other getters and state. Cache results based on dependencies. Similar to...

    • How do you implement modules in Vuex?

      Modules split store into sub-stores. Support namespacing. Handle state separation. Implement module registration....

    • How do you implement store composition?

      Compose multiple stores. Handle store dependencies. Support store inheritance. Implement composition patterns....

    • How do you handle store plugins?

      Create plugins for additional functionality. Handle state subscriptions. Support plugin options. Implement plugin...

    • How do you implement hot module replacement?

      Support store hot reloading. Handle state preservation. Implement HMR handlers. Support development workflow. Handle...

    • How do you implement store testing?

      Test store components separately. Handle action testing. Support mutation testing. Implement test utilities. Handle...

    • How do you handle store initialization?

      Initialize store with default state. Handle async initialization. Support dynamic registration. Implement...

    • How do you handle store subscriptions?

      Subscribe to state changes. Handle mutation/action subscriptions. Support watchers. Implement subscription patterns.

    • How do you implement store middleware?

      Create middleware for store operations. Handle action middleware. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

    • How do you handle error states?

      Manage error handling in store. Handle global errors. Support error recovery. Implement error patterns. Handle error...

    • How do you implement advanced store patterns?

      Create complex store architectures. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle store optimization?

      Optimize store performance. Handle large state trees. Support selective updates. Implement optimization strategies.

    • How do you implement store security?

      Handle store access control. Implement state protection. Support security patterns. Handle sensitive data.

    • How do you handle store migrations?

      Implement state migrations. Handle version updates. Support migration strategies. Handle backwards compatibility.

    • How do you implement store monitoring?

      Track store operations. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle store architecture?

      Design scalable store systems. Handle store organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you implement store documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

    • How do you handle store deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement store testing strategies?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

    • What are props in Vue.js?

      Props are custom attributes for passing data from parent to child components. Defined using props option or...

    • How do you emit events in Vue?

      Use $emit method or defineEmits to send events to parent components. Parents listen with v-on or @. Support event...

    • What is provide/inject in Vue?

      Provide/inject enables dependency injection between components. Parent provides data/methods, descendants inject...

    • What is v-model communication?

      v-model creates two-way binding between parent and child. Combines prop and event. Component must emit...

    • How do refs work for component access?

      Refs provide direct access to child component instances. Use template ref attribute and ref(). Access methods and...

    • What are slots in component communication?

      Slots pass template content to child components. Support default and named slots. Enable component composition. Pass...

    • How do you handle prop validation?

      Define prop types, required status, default values. Use validator functions. Handle prop constraints. Support type...

    • What are event modifiers?

      Modifiers customize event handling. Include .prevent, .stop, .once. Chain multiple modifiers. Support custom...

    • How do you handle prop changes?

      Watch props for changes. Handle prop updates. Support reactive props. Implement update logic. Example: watch(() =>...

    • What is the attrs object?

      attrs contains non-prop attributes passed to component. Access via $attrs or useAttrs(). Handle attribute...

    • How do you implement event buses?

      Create centralized event bus for component communication. Handle event subscription. Support event broadcasting....

    • How do you handle async communication?

      Use promises or async/await. Handle loading states. Support error handling. Implement async patterns. Handle...

    • How do you implement parent method exposure?

      Define methods using defineExpose. Access through template refs. Handle method calls. Support method parameters....

    • How do you handle scoped slots data?

      Pass data to slot content. Access slot props. Handle slot scope. Support slot defaults. Example: v-slot='slotProps'.

    • How do you implement prop transformations?

      Transform props before use. Handle computed props. Support prop formatting. Implement transformation logic. Handle...

    • How do you handle event validation?

      Validate event payload. Define event contracts. Handle validation errors. Implement validation logic. Support event types.

    • How do you implement provide/inject typing?

      Define injection types. Handle type safety. Support type inference. Implement type validation. Handle type errors.

    • How do you handle prop inheritance?

      Implement prop forwarding. Handle prop chains. Support inheritance patterns. Implement inheritance logic. Handle...

    • How do you implement event middleware?

      Create event processing middleware. Handle event transformation. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

    • How do you handle communication testing?

      Test component interaction. Handle event testing. Support prop testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

    • How do you implement advanced communication patterns?

      Create complex communication systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle communication optimization?

      Optimize component interaction. Handle performance bottlenecks. Support optimization strategies. Implement...

    • How do you implement communication security?

      Handle secure communication. Implement data protection. Support security patterns. Handle sensitive data. Implement...

    • How do you handle communication monitoring?

      Track component interaction. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement communication architecture?

      Design scalable communication systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design...

    • How do you handle communication versioning?

      Implement version control for APIs. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement versioning...

    • How do you implement communication documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

    • How do you handle communication deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement communication testing strategies?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies....

    • What are lifecycle hooks in Vue.js?

      Lifecycle hooks are special methods that allow executing code at specific stages of a component's life. Include...

    • What is the created hook?

      created runs after instance is created, reactive data is set up. Can access reactive data and events. Cannot access...

    • What is the mounted hook?

      mounted executes when component is mounted to DOM. Can access DOM elements and refs. Good for DOM manipulations and...

    • What is the updated hook?

      updated runs after data changes and DOM updates. Can access updated DOM. Should avoid changing state to prevent...

    • What is the unmounted hook?

      unmounted executes when component is removed from DOM. Used for cleanup (removing event listeners, canceling...

    • What is the beforeCreate hook?

      beforeCreate runs before instance initialization. Cannot access reactive data or events. Used for plugin...

    • What is the beforeMount hook?

      beforeMount executes before DOM mounting begins. Template is compiled but not mounted. Cannot access DOM elements....

    • What is the beforeUpdate hook?

      beforeUpdate runs before DOM updates after data change. Can access old DOM state. Good for saving state before...

    • What is the beforeUnmount hook?

      beforeUnmount executes before component unmounting starts. Component still fully functional. Good for cleanup...

    • How do lifecycle hooks work in setup()?

      Composition API uses on* prefixed functions for lifecycle hooks. Must be called synchronously in setup(). Support...

    • How do you handle async operations in lifecycle hooks?

      Use async/await or promises. Handle loading states. Support error handling. Implement cleanup for async operations....

    • How do you implement cleanup in hooks?

      Return cleanup function from setup hooks. Remove event listeners. Clear timers. Cancel subscriptions. Handle...

    • How do hooks work with keep-alive?

      activated and deactivated hooks for cached components. Handle component activation. Support cache lifecycle....

    • How do you handle errors in lifecycle hooks?

      Use errorCaptured hook or try/catch. Handle error states. Support error recovery. Implement error boundaries. Handle...

    • How do hooks work with mixins?

      Mixin hooks merge with component hooks. Handle hook ordering. Support hook composition. Implement mixin strategies.

    • How do you test lifecycle hooks?

      Test hook execution order. Handle async testing. Support component mounting. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

    • How do hooks work with async components?

      Handle loading states. Support error states. Implement loading component. Handle async lifecycle. Support component loading.

    • How do you debug lifecycle hooks?

      Use Vue Devtools. Handle hook debugging. Support logging. Implement debugging strategies. Handle hook inspection.

    • How do you optimize hook performance?

      Minimize hook operations. Handle heavy computations. Support performance optimization. Implement efficient patterns.

    • How do you implement advanced hook patterns?

      Create complex hook systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle hook composition?

      Compose multiple hooks. Handle hook dependencies. Support hook reuse. Implement composition patterns.

    • How do you implement hook plugins?

      Create hook-based plugins. Handle plugin lifecycle. Support plugin options. Implement plugin patterns.

    • How do you handle hook security?

      Implement secure hook patterns. Handle sensitive operations. Support security measures. Implement security strategies.

    • How do you implement hook monitoring?

      Track hook execution. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle hook architecture?

      Design scalable hook systems. Handle hook organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you implement hook documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

    • How do you handle hook deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement hook testing strategies?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

    • How do you handle hook migrations?

      Implement version updates. Handle migration strategies. Support backwards compatibility. Implement migration patterns.

    • What is v-model in Vue.js?

      v-model creates two-way data binding between form inputs and state. Works with input, textarea, select elements....

    • How do you handle form submission?

      Use @submit.prevent for form submission. Access form data through refs or v-model. Handle validation before...

    • What are form input modifiers?

      Modifiers customize input behavior: .lazy for change events, .number for numeric conversion, .trim for whitespace...

    • How do you handle checkbox inputs?

      Use v-model with boolean or array values. Support multiple selections. Handle value binding. Work with...

    • How do you handle radio inputs?

      Use v-model with single value binding. Handle radio groups. Support value attribute. Work with dynamic values....

    • How do you work with select elements?

      Use v-model for single/multiple selection. Handle option groups. Support dynamic options. Work with value binding....

    • What is form validation?

      Validate form inputs before submission. Handle validation rules. Display validation errors. Support custom...

    • How do you handle file inputs?

      Use input type='file'. Access files through Handle file upload. Support multiple files....

    • How do you reset form inputs?

      Use form.reset() or set model values to initial state. Handle form clearing. Support partial reset. Implement reset...

    • What are computed properties in forms?

      Use computed for derived form values. Handle complex validation. Support dependent fields. Implement computed...

    • How do you implement custom form controls?

      Create components with v-model support. Handle value prop and input events. Support validation. Implement custom...

    • How do you handle form validation libraries?

      Integrate validation libraries like Vuelidate or VeeValidate. Handle validation rules. Support async validation....

    • How do you implement dynamic forms?

      Generate form fields from data. Handle dynamic validation. Support field addition/removal. Implement dynamic...

    • How do you handle form state management?

      Manage form state in Vuex/Pinia. Handle form persistence. Support state updates. Implement state patterns. Handle...

    • How do you implement form wizards?

      Create multi-step forms. Handle step validation. Support navigation. Implement progress tracking. Handle state persistence.

    • How do you handle form arrays?

      Manage arrays of form inputs. Handle dynamic fields. Support array operations. Implement array validation. Handle...

    • How do you implement form accessibility?

      Add ARIA attributes. Handle keyboard navigation. Support screen readers. Implement accessible labels. Handle focus...

    • How do you handle form error states?

      Display validation errors. Handle error styling. Support error messages. Implement error handling. Handle error recovery.

    • How do you implement form testing?

      Test form validation. Handle input testing. Support submission testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

    • How do you implement advanced form patterns?

      Create complex form systems. Handle advanced validation. Support form composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle form optimization?

      Optimize form performance. Handle large forms. Support form caching. Implement optimization strategies.

    • How do you implement form security?

      Handle CSRF protection. Implement data validation. Support security measures. Handle sensitive data.

    • How do you handle form internationalization?

      Support multiple languages. Handle validation messages. Implement i18n patterns. Support RTL layouts.

    • How do you implement form monitoring?

      Track form usage. Handle analytics integration. Support performance monitoring. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle form architecture?

      Design scalable form systems. Handle form organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you implement form documentation?

      Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

    • How do you handle form deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement form testing strategies?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

    • How do you handle form migrations?

      Implement version updates. Handle migration strategies. Support backwards compatibility. Implement migration patterns.

What is Vue.js and what are its main features?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Key features include reactive data binding, component-based architecture, virtual DOM, directives, computed properties, and lifecycle hooks. Supports both Options API and Composition API.

How do you create a new Vue project?

Create Vue projects using Vue CLI with 'vue create project-name' or quick start using CDN. Vue CLI provides project scaffolding, development tools, and build setup. Also supports Vite with 'npm init vue@latest'.

What is the difference between Vue 2 and Vue 3?

Vue 3 introduces Composition API, improved TypeScript support, multiple root elements, Teleport, Fragments, and better performance. Also includes improved reactivity system based on Proxy, and smaller bundle size.

How do you configure a Vue application?

Configure Vue application using createApp() method. Set global options, plugins, and components. Configure via vue.config.js for CLI projects. Handle environment variables and build settings.

What is the Vue instance lifecycle?

Vue instance goes through creation (setup data observation), mounting (DOM compilation), updating (re-render), and destruction phases. Each phase has associated lifecycle hooks like created(), mounted(), updated(), and unmounted().

How do you handle data in Vue components?

Define data using data() function returning object in Options API or ref()/reactive() in Composition API. Data properties are reactive and trigger view updates when changed.

What are computed properties in Vue?

Computed properties are cached, reactive data properties that update when dependencies change. Define using computed option or computed() function. More efficient than methods for derived values.

How do you handle events in Vue?

Handle events using v-on directive or @ shorthand. Support event modifiers, arguments, and method calls. Example: @click='handleClick' or v-on:submit.prevent='handleSubmit'.

What are directives in Vue?

Directives are special attributes with v- prefix that apply reactive behavior to DOM. Common directives include v-if, v-for, v-bind, v-model, v-on. Can create custom directives.

How do you handle conditional rendering?

Use v-if, v-else-if, v-else for conditional rendering. v-show for toggle visibility. v-if removes/adds elements from DOM, v-show toggles display property.

How do you implement watchers?

Use watch option or watch() function to react to data changes. Support deep watching, immediate execution. Handle async operations. Implement cleanup functions.

How do you handle component registration?

Register components globally using app.component() or locally in components option. Support async components. Handle component naming conventions. Implement dynamic registration.

How do you implement mixins?

Create mixins to share component logic. Handle mixin merging. Support global mixins. Implement mixin lifecycle. Handle mixin conflicts.

How do you handle plugin development?

Create plugins using install method. Handle plugin options. Support global features. Implement plugin API. Handle plugin initialization.

How do you implement filters?

Create filters for value transformation in Vue 2. Replace with methods or computed properties in Vue 3. Handle filter chaining. Implement global filters.

How do you implement dynamic components?

Use component element with :is binding. Handle component switching. Support keep-alive. Implement lazy loading. Handle transition effects.

How do you handle async data loading?

Implement async data fetching in created/mounted hooks or setup(). Handle loading states. Support error handling. Implement data caching.

How do you implement render functions?

Use render functions for programmatic template creation. Handle virtual DOM nodes. Support JSX. Implement render helpers. Handle render optimization.

How do you handle dependency injection?

Use provide/inject for dependency injection. Handle injection inheritance. Support reactive injection. Implement injection key management.

How do you implement custom reactivity?

Create custom reactive systems. Handle dependency tracking. Support reactivity transformation. Implement custom observers. Handle reactive cleanup.

How do you handle advanced plugin architectures?

Design plugin systems. Handle plugin compatibility. Support plugin composition. Implement plugin lifecycle. Handle plugin dependencies.

How do you handle advanced error handling?

Implement error tracking systems. Handle error recovery. Support error reporting. Implement error boundaries. Handle error patterns.

How do you implement advanced rendering patterns?

Create custom rendering systems. Handle render optimization. Support virtual scrolling. Implement render caching. Handle render strategies.

How do you handle advanced state management?

Implement complex state patterns. Handle state persistence. Support state synchronization. Implement state machines. Handle state optimization.

How do you implement advanced component communication?

Create complex event systems. Handle cross-component communication. Support event buses. Implement communication patterns. Handle event optimization.

How do you handle production deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle build optimization. Support continuous integration. Implement deployment automation. Handle environment configuration.

What are Vue components?

Components are reusable Vue instances with template, script, and style blocks. They encapsulate HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Support props, events, and slots for composition. Can be registered globally or locally.

How do you create a Single File Component (SFC)?

Create .vue files with template, script, and style sections. Support component logic, template syntax, and scoped styles. Example: <template>, <script>, and <style> blocks in one file.

What are component props?

Props are custom attributes for passing data to child components. Define using props option or defineProps. Support type checking, default values, and required props. Example: props: ['title'] or defineProps(['title']).

How do you emit events from components?

Use $emit method or defineEmits to emit custom events. Parent components listen using v-on or @. Support event arguments and validation. Example: this.$emit('change', value) or emit('change', value).

What are slots in Vue?

Slots provide content distribution points in component templates. Support default content, named slots, and scoped slots. Enable component composition and content injection. Example: <slot name='header'>.

How do you register components?

Register globally using app.component() or locally in components option. Support async components and dynamic registration. Example: components: { 'my-component': MyComponent }.

What is the difference between ref and reactive?

ref wraps primitive values, reactive creates reactive objects. ref requires .value for access in script. Both trigger reactivity. Use ref for primitives, reactive for objects.

How do you use v-model with components?

Implement v-model using modelValue prop and update:modelValue event. Support custom v-model modifiers. Handle form input components. Example: v-model='value' or defineModel().

What are component lifecycle hooks?

Hooks run at specific stages of component lifecycle. Include created, mounted, updated, unmounted. Support setup and cleanup operations. Example: onMounted(() => {}).

What is the composition API setup function?

setup runs before component creation. Returns reactive state and methods. Replaces Options API features. Access props and context. Example: setup(props, context).

How do you handle async components?

Define async components using defineAsyncComponent. Support loading and error states. Handle component lazy loading. Implement loading strategies.

How do you implement provide/inject?

Use provide/inject for dependency injection. Handle reactivity. Support injection key management. Implement injection inheritance. Example: provide('key', value).

How do you handle scoped slots?

Pass data to slot content using scoped slots. Support slot props. Handle template refs. Implement slot fallback content. Example: v-slot='slotProps'.

How do you implement composables?

Create reusable composition functions. Handle state sharing. Support composition hooks. Implement composition patterns. Example: useFeature().

How do you handle component events?

Use emits option or defineEmits. Support event validation. Handle event modifiers. Implement event patterns. Example: emits: ['update'].

How do you handle component refs?

Use ref attribute and ref() function. Access DOM elements and component instances. Handle template refs. Implement ref callback.

How do you handle component inheritance?

Extend components using extends option. Handle inheritance chain. Support mixin inheritance. Implement inheritance patterns.

How do you implement advanced slots?

Create complex slot systems. Handle slot composition. Support dynamic slots. Implement slot patterns. Handle slot optimization.

How do you handle component testing?

Implement component test strategies. Handle unit testing. Support integration testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test coverage.

How do you implement advanced composables?

Create complex composition patterns. Handle state sharing. Support composition hooks. Implement advanced patterns. Handle composition testing.

How do you handle component architecture?

Design scalable component systems. Handle component organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design systems. Handle maintainability.

How do you handle component security?

Implement security measures. Handle XSS prevention. Support content security. Implement security patterns. Handle vulnerability prevention.

What is reactivity in Vue.js?

Reactivity is Vue's system for automatically updating the DOM when data changes. Uses Proxy-based reactivity in Vue 3, Object.defineProperty in Vue 2. Tracks dependencies and triggers updates automatically.

How do computed properties work?

Computed properties are cached reactive values that update when dependencies change. Define using computed() or computed option. More efficient than methods for derived values.

What are watchers in Vue?

Watchers observe reactive data changes and execute callbacks. Use watch option or watch() function. Support deep watching and immediate execution. Handle side effects.

How do you handle reactive arrays?

Use array methods that trigger reactivity (push, pop, splice). Avoid directly setting array indices. Use spread operator for immutable updates. Handle array reactivity limitations.

What is the composition API ref?

ref creates reactive reference to value. Access via .value in script. Automatically unwrapped in templates. Handles primitive values and objects. Example: const count = ref(0).

How do you handle reactive objects?

Use reactive() for objects, ref() for primitives. Handle nested reactivity. Support deep reactivity. Implement reactive patterns. Example: reactive({ count: 0 }).

What is shallow reactivity?

shallowRef and shallowReactive create shallow reactive references. Only top-level properties are reactive. Useful for large objects. Better performance for specific cases.

How do you trigger reactivity manually?

Use triggerRef() for refs, trigger component updates with nextTick(). Force component re-render. Handle manual reactivity. Example: triggerRef(myRef).

What are readonly properties?

Create readonly versions of reactive objects using readonly(). Prevent mutations. Support readonly refs. Implement immutable patterns. Example: readonly(state).

How do you handle computed with side effects?

Use watchers instead of computed for side effects. Handle async computed. Support computed caching. Implement computed patterns.

How do you handle nested reactivity?

Use deep reactivity with reactive(). Handle nested objects and arrays. Support deep watching. Implement nested patterns.

How do you implement reactive caching?

Cache computed results. Handle cache invalidation. Support cache strategies. Implement caching patterns. Handle cache management.

How do you handle reactivity debugging?

Use Vue devtools. Track reactive dependencies. Support debugging tools. Implement debugging strategies. Handle reactivity issues.

How do you implement reactive patterns?

Create reusable reactive patterns. Handle state sharing. Support composition. Implement pattern libraries. Handle pattern management.

How do you handle reactive collections?

Use reactive Maps and Sets. Handle collection methods. Support collection reactivity. Implement collection patterns.

How do you implement reactive storage?

Create persistent reactive state. Handle storage sync. Support storage patterns. Implement storage strategies. Handle storage management.

How do you handle reactive middleware?

Implement middleware for reactive updates. Handle transformation pipeline. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

How do you implement advanced reactive systems?

Create complex reactive architectures. Handle advanced patterns. Support system composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle reactivity performance?

Optimize reactive updates. Handle large datasets. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement reactive testing?

Create reactive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Handle test coverage.

How do you handle reactive security?

Implement security measures. Handle data protection. Support secure patterns. Implement security strategies.

How do you implement reactive monitoring?

Track reactive system metrics. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle reactive architecture?

Design scalable reactive systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you implement reactive documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

How do you handle reactive deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement reactive migrations?

Handle system upgrades. Support version migration. Implement migration strategies. Handle compatibility issues.

What are Vue directives?

Directives are special attributes with v- prefix that apply reactive behavior to DOM. Built-in directives include v-if, v-for, v-bind, v-on, v-model. Support modifiers and arguments.

How does v-bind work?

v-bind dynamically binds attributes or props to expressions. Shorthand is :. Example: v-bind:href or :href. Supports dynamic values and object syntax for multiple bindings.

What is v-if vs v-show?

v-if conditionally renders elements by adding/removing from DOM. v-show toggles display CSS property. v-if supports v-else and has higher toggle cost. v-show better for frequent toggles.

How do you use v-for?

v-for iterates over arrays/objects. Syntax: v-for='item in items' or v-for='(value, key) in object'. Requires :key for list rendering. Supports index parameter.

What is v-model?

v-model creates two-way data binding on form inputs. Automatically handles different input types. Supports modifiers like .lazy, .number, .trim. Example: v-model='message'.

How does v-on work?

v-on listens to DOM events. Shorthand is @. Example: v-on:click or @click. Supports event modifiers and method handlers. Can pass event object and arguments.

What are template expressions?

Template expressions use {{ }} syntax for data binding. Support JavaScript expressions. Access component properties and methods. Limited to single expressions.

What are directive modifiers?

Modifiers are special postfixes denoted by dot. Example: .prevent, .stop, .capture. Modify directive behavior. Support chaining multiple modifiers.

How do you use v-pre?

v-pre skips compilation for element and children. Displays raw mustache tags. Useful for displaying template syntax. Improves compilation performance for static content.

What is v-once?

v-once renders element/component once only. Skips future updates. Improves performance for static content. Content treated as static after initial render.

How do you create custom directives?

Custom directives use app.directive() or locally in component directives option. Define hooks like mounted, updated. Access element and binding values. Support directive arguments.

How do directive hooks work?

Directive hooks include beforeMount, mounted, beforeUpdate, updated, beforeUnmount, unmounted. Access element and binding values. Handle lifecycle events.

How do you handle dynamic directive arguments?

Use square brackets for dynamic arguments. Example: v-bind:[attributeName]. Support dynamic event names. Handle null values. Implement dynamic behavior.

How do you implement slot directive?

Use v-slot directive for named slots. Support scoped slots. Handle slot props. Implement slot fallback content. Example: v-slot:header.

How do you handle class bindings?

Use v-bind:class with object/array syntax. Support multiple classes. Handle dynamic classes. Implement conditional classes. Example: :class="{ active: isActive }".

How do you implement style bindings?

Use v-bind:style with object/array syntax. Support multiple styles. Handle vendor prefixes. Implement dynamic styles. Example: :style="{ color: activeColor }".

How do you handle form input bindings?

Use v-model for different input types. Handle checkboxes, radio buttons, selects. Support array/boolean bindings. Implement custom input components.

How do you implement conditional rendering?

Use v-if, v-else-if, v-else. Handle template v-if. Support key management. Implement conditional groups. Handle transition effects.

How do you handle list rendering?

Use v-for with key attribute. Handle array mutations. Support object iteration. Implement filtered/sorted lists. Handle list updates.

How do you implement event handling?

Use v-on directive with modifiers. Handle method events. Support inline handlers. Implement event objects. Handle multiple events.

How do you implement advanced directive patterns?

Create complex directive systems. Handle advanced cases. Support pattern composition. Implement reusable patterns. Handle edge cases.

How do you handle directive optimization?

Optimize directive performance. Handle caching strategies. Support lazy evaluation. Implement optimization patterns. Handle render optimization.

How do you implement directive testing?

Create directive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Handle test coverage.

How do you handle directive security?

Implement security measures. Handle XSS prevention. Support content security. Implement security patterns. Handle vulnerability prevention.

How do you implement directive documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems. Handle maintenance.

How do you handle directive versioning?

Implement semantic versioning. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement version control. Handle deprecation.

How do you implement directive libraries?

Create reusable directive libraries. Handle distribution. Support theming. Implement documentation. Handle versioning and maintenance.

How do you handle directive architecture?

Design scalable directive systems. Handle organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design systems. Handle maintainability.

How do you implement directive monitoring?

Track directive usage and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

What is Vue Router?

Vue Router is the official routing library for Vue.js. Enables navigation between pages, supports nested routes, dynamic route matching, navigation guards, and route meta fields. Integrates with Vue.js transitions.

How do you install and configure Vue Router?

Install using npm/yarn, create router instance with createRouter(), configure routes array with path and component mappings. Use history mode (createWebHistory) or hash mode.

What are route parameters?

Dynamic segments in route path marked with colon. Example: /user/:id. Access via useRoute().params or $route.params. Support optional parameters and custom regex patterns.

How do you handle nested routes?

Define child routes in children array of parent route. Use router-view for nested components. Support multiple levels of nesting. Handle nested layouts.

What are navigation guards?

Middleware functions that guard navigations. Include beforeEach, beforeResolve, afterEach globally, and beforeEnter per route. Handle authentication and authorization.

How do you use router-link?

Component for declarative navigation. Supports to prop for destination, active class styling. Example: <router-link to='/path'>. Handles both literal and dynamic paths.

What is programmatic navigation?

Navigate using router.push() or router.replace(). Support path object notation. Handle navigation with useRouter() in composition API. Support navigation parameters.

How do you handle query parameters?

Access via useRoute().query or $route.query. Support multiple parameters. Handle URL encoding. Persist across navigations. Example: /search?q=term.

What are named routes?

Routes with name property for reference. Use in router-link :to='{ name: 'route' }'. Support params binding. Avoid hard-coded URLs. Example: name: 'user'.

What is route meta information?

Custom fields in meta property of routes. Access via route.meta. Use for route-specific data. Handle authorization, transitions, or any custom data.

How do you implement route transitions?

Use transition component around router-view. Support enter/leave transitions. Handle per-route transitions. Implement transition modes. Handle dynamic transitions.

How do you handle scroll behavior?

Configure scrollBehavior in router options. Handle scroll position restoration. Support smooth scrolling. Implement scroll preservation. Handle async scrolling.

How do you handle route guards composition?

Combine multiple guards. Handle guard chain. Support async guards. Implement guard utilities. Handle guard ordering.

How do you implement route aliases?

Define alias property in routes. Support multiple aliases. Handle SEO considerations. Implement redirect patterns. Handle alias conflicts.

How do you handle route props?

Enable props in route configuration. Support boolean mode, object mode, function mode. Handle prop types. Implement prop validation.

How do you implement data fetching?

Handle data fetching in navigation guards or setup(). Support loading states. Implement error handling. Handle data dependencies.

How do you handle dynamic matching patterns?

Use regex patterns in route paths. Support parameter constraints. Handle wildcard routes. Implement matching strategies.

How do you handle route error states?

Implement error pages. Handle navigation errors. Support error recovery. Implement error boundaries. Handle error logging.

How do you implement advanced routing patterns?

Create complex routing systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement routing strategies.

How do you handle route optimization?

Optimize route configuration. Handle route caching. Support code splitting. Implement performance strategies. Handle route priorities.

How do you implement route testing?

Create router test suites. Handle navigation testing. Support guard testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test coverage.

How do you handle route security?

Implement route protection. Handle authentication flows. Support authorization. Implement security patterns. Handle security policies.

How do you implement route monitoring?

Track navigation metrics. Handle analytics integration. Support performance monitoring. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle route architecture?

Design scalable routing systems. Handle route organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement routing hierarchy.

How do you handle route deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle server configuration. Support hosting platforms. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement route migrations?

Handle route structure changes. Support path migrations. Implement redirects. Handle compatibility. Manage migration state.

What is Vuex and Pinia?

Vuex and Pinia are state management patterns/libraries for Vue.js applications. Vuex is traditional with mutations, while Pinia is newer with simpler API. Both handle centralized state management with reactive updates.

What are the main concepts of Vuex?

Vuex has five core concepts: State, Getters, Mutations, Actions, and Modules. State holds data, Getters compute derived state, Mutations change state synchronously, Actions handle async operations.

How does Pinia differ from Vuex?

Pinia offers simpler API without mutations, better TypeScript support, multiple stores without modules, automatic code splitting. More lightweight and intuitive than Vuex.

How do you define a Pinia store?

Use defineStore with unique id and options or setup syntax. Contains state, getters, and actions. Example: defineStore('counter', { state: () => ({ count: 0 }) }).

What are Vuex mutations?

Mutations are synchronous functions that modify state. Only way to change state in Vuex. Committed using commit method. Example: commit('increment', payload).

How do you access state in components?

In Vuex: use mapState helper or $store.state. In Pinia: use store instance directly or storeToRefs. Both support computed properties for reactivity.

What are actions in state management?

Actions handle asynchronous operations. Can commit mutations (Vuex) or directly modify state (Pinia). Support business logic and API calls. Can return promises.

How do you handle getters?

Getters compute derived state. Access other getters and state. Cache results based on dependencies. Similar to computed properties for stores.

How do you implement modules in Vuex?

Modules split store into sub-stores. Support namespacing. Handle state separation. Implement module registration. Support dynamic modules.

How do you implement store composition?

Compose multiple stores. Handle store dependencies. Support store inheritance. Implement composition patterns. Handle state sharing.

How do you handle store plugins?

Create plugins for additional functionality. Handle state subscriptions. Support plugin options. Implement plugin patterns. Handle plugin lifecycle.

How do you implement hot module replacement?

Support store hot reloading. Handle state preservation. Implement HMR handlers. Support development workflow. Handle module updates.

How do you implement store testing?

Test store components separately. Handle action testing. Support mutation testing. Implement test utilities. Handle mock data.

How do you handle store initialization?

Initialize store with default state. Handle async initialization. Support dynamic registration. Implement initialization patterns.

How do you handle store subscriptions?

Subscribe to state changes. Handle mutation/action subscriptions. Support watchers. Implement subscription patterns.

How do you implement store middleware?

Create middleware for store operations. Handle action middleware. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

How do you handle error states?

Manage error handling in store. Handle global errors. Support error recovery. Implement error patterns. Handle error reporting.

How do you implement advanced store patterns?

Create complex store architectures. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle store optimization?

Optimize store performance. Handle large state trees. Support selective updates. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement store security?

Handle store access control. Implement state protection. Support security patterns. Handle sensitive data.

How do you handle store migrations?

Implement state migrations. Handle version updates. Support migration strategies. Handle backwards compatibility.

How do you implement store monitoring?

Track store operations. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle store architecture?

Design scalable store systems. Handle store organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you implement store documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

How do you handle store deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement store testing strategies?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

What are props in Vue.js?

Props are custom attributes for passing data from parent to child components. Defined using props option or defineProps. Support type checking, default values, and validation. Example: defineProps(['title']) or props: { title: String }.

How do you emit events in Vue?

Use $emit method or defineEmits to send events to parent components. Parents listen with v-on or @. Support event arguments. Example: emit('update', value) or this.$emit('update', value).

What is provide/inject in Vue?

Provide/inject enables dependency injection between components. Parent provides data/methods, descendants inject them. Works across component layers. Alternative to prop drilling.

What is v-model communication?

v-model creates two-way binding between parent and child. Combines prop and event. Component must emit update:modelValue event. Support custom v-model modifiers.

How do refs work for component access?

Refs provide direct access to child component instances. Use template ref attribute and ref(). Access methods and properties. Handle component communication.

What are slots in component communication?

Slots pass template content to child components. Support default and named slots. Enable component composition. Pass data back through scoped slots.

How do you handle prop validation?

Define prop types, required status, default values. Use validator functions. Handle prop constraints. Support type checking. Example: prop: { type: String, required: true }.

What are event modifiers?

Modifiers customize event handling. Include .prevent, .stop, .once. Chain multiple modifiers. Support custom modifiers. Example: @click.prevent.stop.

How do you handle prop changes?

Watch props for changes. Handle prop updates. Support reactive props. Implement update logic. Example: watch(() => props.value).

What is the attrs object?

attrs contains non-prop attributes passed to component. Access via $attrs or useAttrs(). Handle attribute inheritance. Support fallthrough attributes.

How do you implement event buses?

Create centralized event bus for component communication. Handle event subscription. Support event broadcasting. Implement event patterns.

How do you handle async communication?

Use promises or async/await. Handle loading states. Support error handling. Implement async patterns. Handle response handling.

How do you implement parent method exposure?

Define methods using defineExpose. Access through template refs. Handle method calls. Support method parameters. Example: defineExpose({ method }).

How do you handle scoped slots data?

Pass data to slot content. Access slot props. Handle slot scope. Support slot defaults. Example: v-slot='slotProps'.

How do you implement prop transformations?

Transform props before use. Handle computed props. Support prop formatting. Implement transformation logic. Handle prop updates.

How do you handle event validation?

Validate event payload. Define event contracts. Handle validation errors. Implement validation logic. Support event types.

How do you implement provide/inject typing?

Define injection types. Handle type safety. Support type inference. Implement type validation. Handle type errors.

How do you handle prop inheritance?

Implement prop forwarding. Handle prop chains. Support inheritance patterns. Implement inheritance logic. Handle prop conflicts.

How do you implement event middleware?

Create event processing middleware. Handle event transformation. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

How do you handle communication testing?

Test component interaction. Handle event testing. Support prop testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

How do you implement advanced communication patterns?

Create complex communication systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle communication optimization?

Optimize component interaction. Handle performance bottlenecks. Support optimization strategies. Implement performance patterns.

How do you implement communication security?

Handle secure communication. Implement data protection. Support security patterns. Handle sensitive data. Implement security measures.

How do you handle communication monitoring?

Track component interaction. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement communication architecture?

Design scalable communication systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you handle communication versioning?

Implement version control for APIs. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement versioning strategies.

How do you implement communication documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

How do you handle communication deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement communication testing strategies?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies. Handle test coverage.

What are lifecycle hooks in Vue.js?

Lifecycle hooks are special methods that allow executing code at specific stages of a component's life. Include creation, mounting, updating, and destruction phases. Available in both Options API and Composition API.

What is the created hook?

created runs after instance is created, reactive data is set up. Can access reactive data and events. Cannot access DOM/this.$el. Good for initial data fetching. Composition API equivalent: onCreated.

What is the mounted hook?

mounted executes when component is mounted to DOM. Can access DOM elements and refs. Good for DOM manipulations and third-party library initialization. Composition API: onMounted.

What is the updated hook?

updated runs after data changes and DOM updates. Can access updated DOM. Should avoid changing state to prevent infinite loops. Composition API: onUpdated.

What is the unmounted hook?

unmounted executes when component is removed from DOM. Used for cleanup (removing event listeners, canceling timers). All directives unbound, watchers stopped. Composition API: onUnmounted.

What is the beforeCreate hook?

beforeCreate runs before instance initialization. Cannot access reactive data or events. Used for plugin initialization. Composition API setup() runs before this hook.

What is the beforeMount hook?

beforeMount executes before DOM mounting begins. Template is compiled but not mounted. Cannot access DOM elements. Composition API: onBeforeMount.

What is the beforeUpdate hook?

beforeUpdate runs before DOM updates after data change. Can access old DOM state. Good for saving state before update. Composition API: onBeforeUpdate.

What is the beforeUnmount hook?

beforeUnmount executes before component unmounting starts. Component still fully functional. Good for cleanup initialization. Composition API: onBeforeUnmount.

How do lifecycle hooks work in setup()?

Composition API uses on* prefixed functions for lifecycle hooks. Must be called synchronously in setup(). Support multiple calls. Return cleanup functions.

How do you handle async operations in lifecycle hooks?

Use async/await or promises. Handle loading states. Support error handling. Implement cleanup for async operations. Consider component lifecycle.

How do you implement cleanup in hooks?

Return cleanup function from setup hooks. Remove event listeners. Clear timers. Cancel subscriptions. Handle resource cleanup.

How do hooks work with keep-alive?

activated and deactivated hooks for cached components. Handle component activation. Support cache lifecycle. Implement caching strategies.

How do you handle errors in lifecycle hooks?

Use errorCaptured hook or try/catch. Handle error states. Support error recovery. Implement error boundaries. Handle error reporting.

How do hooks work with mixins?

Mixin hooks merge with component hooks. Handle hook ordering. Support hook composition. Implement mixin strategies.

How do you test lifecycle hooks?

Test hook execution order. Handle async testing. Support component mounting. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

How do hooks work with async components?

Handle loading states. Support error states. Implement loading component. Handle async lifecycle. Support component loading.

How do you debug lifecycle hooks?

Use Vue Devtools. Handle hook debugging. Support logging. Implement debugging strategies. Handle hook inspection.

How do you optimize hook performance?

Minimize hook operations. Handle heavy computations. Support performance optimization. Implement efficient patterns.

How do you implement advanced hook patterns?

Create complex hook systems. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle hook composition?

Compose multiple hooks. Handle hook dependencies. Support hook reuse. Implement composition patterns.

How do you implement hook plugins?

Create hook-based plugins. Handle plugin lifecycle. Support plugin options. Implement plugin patterns.

How do you handle hook security?

Implement secure hook patterns. Handle sensitive operations. Support security measures. Implement security strategies.

How do you implement hook monitoring?

Track hook execution. Handle performance monitoring. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle hook architecture?

Design scalable hook systems. Handle hook organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you implement hook documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

How do you handle hook deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement hook testing strategies?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

How do you handle hook migrations?

Implement version updates. Handle migration strategies. Support backwards compatibility. Implement migration patterns.

What is v-model in Vue.js?

v-model creates two-way data binding between form inputs and state. Works with input, textarea, select elements. Supports modifiers like .lazy, .number, .trim. Automatically handles different input types.

How do you handle form submission?

Use @submit.prevent for form submission. Access form data through refs or v-model. Handle validation before submission. Support async submission. Implement loading states.

What are form input modifiers?

Modifiers customize input behavior: .lazy for change events, .number for numeric conversion, .trim for whitespace removal. Can be chained. Example: v-model.lazy.trim.

How do you handle checkbox inputs?

Use v-model with boolean or array values. Support multiple selections. Handle value binding. Work with true-value/false-value attributes. Support checkbox groups.

How do you handle radio inputs?

Use v-model with single value binding. Handle radio groups. Support value attribute. Work with dynamic values. Implement radio button components.

How do you work with select elements?

Use v-model for single/multiple selection. Handle option groups. Support dynamic options. Work with value binding. Implement custom select components.

What is form validation?

Validate form inputs before submission. Handle validation rules. Display validation errors. Support custom validation. Implement validation strategies.

How do you handle file inputs?

Use input type='file'. Access files through Handle file upload. Support multiple files. Implement file validation.

How do you reset form inputs?

Use form.reset() or set model values to initial state. Handle form clearing. Support partial reset. Implement reset strategies.

What are computed properties in forms?

Use computed for derived form values. Handle complex validation. Support dependent fields. Implement computed validation. Handle computed states.

How do you implement custom form controls?

Create components with v-model support. Handle value prop and input events. Support validation. Implement custom behavior. Handle component state.

How do you handle form validation libraries?

Integrate validation libraries like Vuelidate or VeeValidate. Handle validation rules. Support async validation. Implement validation messages.

How do you implement dynamic forms?

Generate form fields from data. Handle dynamic validation. Support field addition/removal. Implement dynamic behavior. Handle state management.

How do you handle form state management?

Manage form state in Vuex/Pinia. Handle form persistence. Support state updates. Implement state patterns. Handle form actions.

How do you implement form wizards?

Create multi-step forms. Handle step validation. Support navigation. Implement progress tracking. Handle state persistence.

How do you handle form arrays?

Manage arrays of form inputs. Handle dynamic fields. Support array operations. Implement array validation. Handle array state.

How do you implement form accessibility?

Add ARIA attributes. Handle keyboard navigation. Support screen readers. Implement accessible labels. Handle focus management.

How do you handle form error states?

Display validation errors. Handle error styling. Support error messages. Implement error handling. Handle error recovery.

How do you implement form testing?

Test form validation. Handle input testing. Support submission testing. Implement test utilities. Handle test scenarios.

How do you implement advanced form patterns?

Create complex form systems. Handle advanced validation. Support form composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle form optimization?

Optimize form performance. Handle large forms. Support form caching. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement form security?

Handle CSRF protection. Implement data validation. Support security measures. Handle sensitive data.

How do you handle form internationalization?

Support multiple languages. Handle validation messages. Implement i18n patterns. Support RTL layouts.

How do you implement form monitoring?

Track form usage. Handle analytics integration. Support performance monitoring. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle form architecture?

Design scalable form systems. Handle form organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you implement form documentation?

Create comprehensive documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation systems.

How do you handle form deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support production optimization. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement form testing strategies?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies.

How do you handle form migrations?

Implement version updates. Handle migration strategies. Support backwards compatibility. Implement migration patterns.

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Tips to Ace Your vuejs Interviews

Master Component Design

Understand composition API, props, and emit patterns.

Practice State Management

Work with Vuex, Pinia, and reactive state patterns.

Learn Performance Optimization

Explore computed properties, watchers, and lazy loading.

Be Ready for Architecture Questions

Expect discussions about component organization and routing.

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