Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime, is crucial for building scalable server-side applications, making it an essential skill for backend developers and DevOps engineers. Stark.ai offers a curated collection of Node.js interview questions, real-world scenarios, and expert guidance to help you excel in your next technical interview.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a...
Node.js architecture consists of several key components: 1) V8 Engine: Google's open-source JavaScript engine that...
Key differences include: 1) Global object: 'window' in browsers vs 'global' in Node.js, 2) DOM/BOM APIs only...
Node.js handles concurrent requests through: 1) Event Loop: Single-threaded loop that processes async operations, 2)...
libuv is a multi-platform support library that handles: 1) Asynchronous I/O operations, 2) Thread pool management,...
In Node.js: 1) Process: Instance of a program in execution with its own memory space, 2) Main Thread: Single thread...
Core modules are built-in modules that come with Node.js installation: 1) No installation required (http, fs, path),...
CommonJS implementation in Node.js includes: 1) require() function for module loading, 2) module.exports for...
The process object provides information and control over the Node.js process: 1) Environment variables...
Node.js uses V8's garbage collection with two main phases: 1) Scavenge: Fast but partial collection for young...
Error handling in Node.js includes: 1) Try-catch blocks for synchronous code, 2) Error events for EventEmitter, 3)...
V8 Engine in Node.js: 1) Compiles JavaScript to machine code, 2) Manages memory allocation, 3) Handles garbage...
REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) provides an interactive shell for Node.js: 1) Testing code snippets, 2) Debugging, 3)...
ES modules support in Node.js includes: 1) .mjs extension for ES module files, 2) 'type': 'module' in package.json,...
Buffers handle binary data in Node.js: 1) Buffer: Node.js specific for binary data, 2) ArrayBuffer: JavaScript...
Clustering enables running multiple Node.js processes: 1) Master process creates worker processes, 2) Workers share...
Key differences include: 1) LTS (Long Term Support): Stable, production-ready, 30-month support cycle, 2) Current:...
Child processes in Node.js: 1) spawn(): Streams for large data, 2) exec(): Buffers for completion, 3) fork(): IPC...
Timing functions in Node.js: 1) process.nextTick(): Executes callback before next event loop iteration, 2)...
The Event Loop is the mechanism that allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations despite JavaScript being...
Different asynchronous patterns in Node.js serve different purposes: 1) Callbacks: Traditional pattern with...
The microtask queue handles high-priority tasks like Promise callbacks and process.nextTick. Characteristics: 1)...
Error handling in async operations can be done through multiple patterns: 1) Callbacks: Use error-first pattern....
EventEmitter implements the Observer pattern for event-driven programming. Features: 1) Register event listeners, 2)...
Node.js provides several strategies for CPU-intensive tasks: 1) Worker Threads: Parallel execution of CPU tasks....
Best practices for Promise chains include: 1) Always return values in .then(), 2) Use single catch at the end, 3)...
Custom async iterators can be implemented using Symbol.asyncIterator: Example: class AsyncRange { constructor(start,...
Key differences: 1) Parallel: Multiple tasks execute simultaneously (Worker Threads, Child Processes), 2)...
Async error handling patterns include: 1) Try-catch with async/await. Example: async function handle() { try { await...
Node.js timer functions work through: 1) Timer phase in event loop, 2) Min heap data structure for efficient timer...
Async hooks track lifecycle of async operations: 1) init: Resource creation, 2) before: Callback execution start, 3)...
Custom promises can be implemented using the Promise constructor: Example: function customPromise(value) { return...
Promise execution phases include: 1) Pending: Initial state, 2) Fulfilled: Successful completion, 3) Rejected: Error...
Throttling and debouncing control function execution frequency: 1) Throttle: Limit execution rate. Example: function...
Race conditions can be handled through: 1) Promise.race() for first completion, 2) Mutex implementation for...
Event loop starvation occurs when CPU-intensive tasks block the event loop from processing other events. Prevention...
Cancellable promises can be implemented using: 1) AbortController for fetch operations, 2) Custom cancel tokens, 3)...
Patterns for concurrent database operations include: 1) Connection pooling, 2) Transaction management, 3) Batch...
Retry mechanisms can be implemented using: 1) Exponential backoff, 2) Maximum retry limits, 3) Retry delay...
Memory leak prevention strategies include: 1) Proper event listener cleanup, 2) Closing resources (files,...
Async iterators can be implemented using Symbol.asyncIterator: Example: class DataSource { constructor(data) {...
Rate limiting patterns include: 1) Token bucket algorithm, 2) Sliding window, 3) Fixed window counting, 4) Leaky...
Timeout handling includes: 1) Promise race with timeout promise, 2) AbortController integration, 3) Cleanup on...
Async dependency injection patterns include: 1) Factory functions, 2) Async constructors, 3) Dependency containers....
Distributed event patterns include: 1) Message queues, 2) Pub/sub systems, 3) Event buses, 4) Webhook...
Async middleware patterns include: 1) Pipeline pattern, 2) Chain of responsibility, 3) Composition pattern. Example:...
Backpressure handling strategies include: 1) Implementing pause/resume mechanisms, 2) Buffer size limits, 3)...
Async error boundaries can be implemented using: 1) Higher-order functions, 2) Class wrappers, 3) Decorator...
Node.js supports multiple module systems: 1) CommonJS (require/exports): Traditional Node.js module system. Example:...
Node.js module resolution follows these steps: 1) Core modules (like 'fs'), 2) Local modules with relative paths...
package.json is a project manifest file containing: 1) Basic info (name, version, description), 2) Dependencies...
NPM dependency management includes: 1) Installing packages: npm install package-name, 2) Saving dependencies: --save...
Peer dependencies specify packages that must be installed by the consuming application. Used when: 1) Creating...
Circular dependencies can be handled through: 1) Restructuring code to avoid cycles, 2) Using dependency injection,...
NPM workspaces enable managing multiple packages in a single repository: 1) Define workspaces in root package.json,...
Module loading optimization techniques: 1) Use module caching effectively, 2) Implement lazy loading, 3) Bundle...
Package versioning methods include: 1) Semantic Versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), 2) Version ranges (^, ~, *, x), 3)...
Package publishing process: 1) Prepare package.json (name, version, files), 2) Create npm account, 3) npm login, 4)...
package-lock.json ensures consistent installs across environments by: 1) Locking exact versions of dependencies, 2)...
Native modules management includes: 1) node-gyp for compilation, 2) Binary distribution using prebuilt packages, 3)...
Security practices include: 1) Regular security audits (npm audit), 2) Version pinning for critical dependencies, 3)...
Module mocking approaches: 1) Jest mock functions, 2) Proxyquire for dependency injection, 3) Manual mocking....
Module scoping patterns include: 1) IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), 2) Revealing Module Pattern, 3)...
Environment-specific dependency management: 1) Development vs production dependencies, 2) Optional dependencies, 3)...
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser. Key features include: 1) Event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, 2) Single-threaded event loop with asynchronous programming, 3) NPM (Node Package Manager) for package management, 4) Built-in modules for file system operations, networking, etc., 5) Cross-platform support, 6) Active community and extensive ecosystem.
Node.js architecture consists of several key components: 1) V8 Engine: Google's open-source JavaScript engine that compiles JS to native machine code, 2) libuv: Handles async operations, event loop, and thread pool, 3) Core Modules: Built-in modules like http, fs, path, 4) Node Standard Library: JavaScript implementation of core functionality, 5) Node Package Manager (NPM): Package management system. This architecture enables efficient, non-blocking operations and cross-platform compatibility.
Key differences include: 1) Global object: 'window' in browsers vs 'global' in Node.js, 2) DOM/BOM APIs only available in browsers, 3) File system access available in Node.js but not browsers, 4) Module systems: CommonJS in Node.js vs ES Modules in modern browsers, 5) Threading: Web Workers in browsers vs Worker Threads in Node.js, 6) Different security models and constraints. Understanding these differences is crucial for Node.js development.
Node.js handles concurrent requests through: 1) Event Loop: Single-threaded loop that processes async operations, 2) Thread Pool: Handles CPU-intensive tasks and I/O operations, 3) Non-blocking I/O: Async operations don't block the main thread, 4) Callback Queue: Manages completed async operations, 5) Worker Threads: For CPU-intensive tasks. Example: server.on('request', (req, res) => { // Async operation db.query('SELECT * FROM users', (err, results) => { res.end(JSON.stringify(results)); }); });
libuv is a multi-platform support library that handles: 1) Asynchronous I/O operations, 2) Thread pool management, 3) Event loop implementation, 4) Network operations, 5) File system operations, 6) Inter-process communication. It abstracts underlying OS differences and provides a consistent async I/O interface across platforms. Example: const fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('file.txt', (err, data) => {}); // handled by libuv behind the scenes
In Node.js: 1) Process: Instance of a program in execution with its own memory space, 2) Main Thread: Single thread running event loop, 3) Worker Threads: Additional threads for CPU-intensive tasks, 4) Thread Pool: Managed by libuv for async operations. Example using worker threads: const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); const worker = new Worker('./worker.js'); worker.postMessage('start'); worker.on('message', (result) => console.log(result));
Core modules are built-in modules that come with Node.js installation: 1) No installation required (http, fs, path), 2) Higher performance as they're preloaded, 3) Fundamental functionality implementation, 4) Written in C++ for performance. External modules are third-party modules installed via NPM. Example: const http = require('http'); // core module vs const express = require('express'); // external module
CommonJS implementation in Node.js includes: 1) require() function for module loading, 2) module.exports for exposing functionality, 3) Module caching for performance, 4) Module resolution algorithm. Example: // math.js module.exports = { add: (a, b) => a + b }; // main.js const math = require('./math'); console.log(math.add(2, 3)); // Module loading is synchronous and cached
The process object provides information and control over the Node.js process: 1) Environment variables (process.env), 2) Command line arguments (process.argv), 3) Process control (process.exit()), 4) Event handling for process lifecycle, 5) CPU and memory usage information. Example: process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { console.error('Uncaught Exception:', err); process.exit(1); });
Node.js uses V8's garbage collection with two main phases: 1) Scavenge: Fast but partial collection for young objects, 2) Mark-Sweep: Complete collection for old objects. Features include: 1) Generational collection, 2) Incremental marking, 3) Concurrent sweeping, 4) Memory optimization flags. Example of manual GC trigger (not recommended): global.gc(); // requires --expose-gc flag
Error handling in Node.js includes: 1) Try-catch blocks for synchronous code, 2) Error events for EventEmitter, 3) Error-first callbacks for async operations, 4) Promise rejection handling, 5) Global error handlers. Example: process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at:', promise, 'reason:', reason); }); try { throw new Error('Sync Error'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
V8 Engine in Node.js: 1) Compiles JavaScript to machine code, 2) Manages memory allocation, 3) Handles garbage collection, 4) Provides data types and objects, 5) Optimizes code execution. Features include: JIT compilation, inline caching, hidden classes for optimization. Example of V8 flags: node --v8-options --optimize_for_size --max_old_space_size=1024 app.js
REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) provides an interactive shell for Node.js: 1) Testing code snippets, 2) Debugging, 3) Experimenting with Node.js features, 4) Quick prototyping. Features include: Auto-completion, Multi-line editing, Command history. Example: node // enters REPL > const sum = (a, b) => a + b; > sum(2, 3) // 5
ES modules support in Node.js includes: 1) .mjs extension for ES module files, 2) 'type': 'module' in package.json, 3) Import/export syntax, 4) Dynamic imports, 5) Module resolution rules. Example: // file.mjs export const hello = 'world'; import { hello } from './file.mjs'; // Dynamic import: const module = await import('./module.mjs');
Buffers handle binary data in Node.js: 1) Buffer: Node.js specific for binary data, 2) ArrayBuffer: JavaScript standard binary data container. Features: Direct memory allocation, Binary data operations, Encoding conversions. Example: const buf = Buffer.from('Hello', 'utf8'); console.log(buf); // <Buffer 48 65 6c 6c 6f> console.log(buf.toString()); // Hello
Clustering enables running multiple Node.js processes: 1) Master process creates worker processes, 2) Workers share server ports, 3) Load balancing between workers, 4) IPC communication between processes. Example: const cluster = require('cluster'); if (cluster.isMaster) { cluster.fork(); cluster.fork(); } else { require('./server.js'); }
Key differences include: 1) LTS (Long Term Support): Stable, production-ready, 30-month support cycle, 2) Current: Latest features, shorter support cycle, potentially unstable. LTS focuses on stability and security, while Current provides newest features. Release schedule: New major version every 6 months, LTS versions released yearly.
Child processes in Node.js: 1) spawn(): Streams for large data, 2) exec(): Buffers for completion, 3) fork(): IPC channel for Node.js processes, 4) execFile(): Execute executable files. Example: const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const ls = spawn('ls', ['-l']); ls.stdout.on('data', (data) => console.log(data.toString()));
Timing functions in Node.js: 1) process.nextTick(): Executes callback before next event loop iteration, 2) setImmediate(): Executes in check phase of event loop. Key differences: nextTick has higher priority and runs before I/O events. Example: process.nextTick(() => console.log('nextTick')); setImmediate(() => console.log('setImmediate'));
The Event Loop is the mechanism that allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations despite JavaScript being single-threaded. It works in phases: 1) Timers (setTimeout, setInterval), 2) Pending callbacks (I/O callbacks), 3) Idle, prepare (internal use), 4) Poll (new I/O events), 5) Check (setImmediate), 6) Close callbacks. Each phase has a FIFO queue of callbacks to execute. Example: console.log('1'); setTimeout(() => console.log('2'), 0); Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('3')); console.log('4'); // Output: 1, 4, 3, 2
Different asynchronous patterns in Node.js serve different purposes: 1) Callbacks: Traditional pattern with error-first callback style. Example: fs.readFile('file.txt', (err, data) => {}). 2) Promises: Chain-able operations with .then() and .catch(). Example: fetch('url').then(res => res.json()). 3) Async/Await: Syntactic sugar over promises for cleaner code. Example: async function getData() { const response = await fetch('url'); return response.json(); }. Async/await provides better error handling and code readability compared to callbacks and raw promises.
The microtask queue handles high-priority tasks like Promise callbacks and process.nextTick. Characteristics: 1) Processes before the next event loop phase, 2) Higher priority than macrotasks (setTimeout, setInterval), 3) Includes Promise callbacks and process.nextTick callbacks. Example: process.nextTick(() => console.log('1')); Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('2')); setTimeout(() => console.log('3'), 0); // Output: 1, 2, 3
Error handling in async operations can be done through multiple patterns: 1) Callbacks: Use error-first pattern. Example: fs.readFile('file.txt', (err, data) => { if (err) handle(err); }). 2) Promises: Use .catch() or try/catch with async/await. Example: async function readFile() { try { const data = await fs.promises.readFile('file.txt'); } catch (err) { handle(err); } }. 3) Event emitters: Use error event handlers. Example: stream.on('error', (err) => handle(err));
EventEmitter implements the Observer pattern for event-driven programming. Features: 1) Register event listeners, 2) Emit events, 3) Handle events asynchronously, 4) Multiple listeners per event. Example: const EventEmitter = require('events'); class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {} const myEmitter = new MyEmitter(); myEmitter.on('event', (data) => console.log(data)); myEmitter.emit('event', 'Hello World');
Node.js provides several strategies for CPU-intensive tasks: 1) Worker Threads: Parallel execution of CPU tasks. Example: const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); const worker = new Worker('./worker.js'); 2) Child Processes: Separate Node.js processes. Example: const { fork } = require('child_process'); const child = fork('cpu_task.js'); 3) Chunking: Breaking large tasks into smaller ones. Example: function processChunk(data, callback) { setImmediate(() => { /* process chunk */ callback(); }); }
Best practices for Promise chains include: 1) Always return values in .then(), 2) Use single catch at the end, 3) Avoid nesting promises, 4) Use Promise.all() for parallel operations, 5) Handle rejections properly. Example: fetchUser(id).then(user => { return fetchPosts(user.id); }).then(posts => { return processPosts(posts); }).catch(error => { handleError(error); });
Custom async iterators can be implemented using Symbol.asyncIterator: Example: class AsyncRange { constructor(start, end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { for(let i = this.start; i <= this.end; i++) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); yield i; } } } async function iterate() { for await (const num of new AsyncRange(1, 3)) { console.log(num); } }
Key differences: 1) Parallel: Multiple tasks execute simultaneously (Worker Threads, Child Processes), 2) Concurrent: Tasks progress simultaneously but execute on single thread (async/await, Promises). Example of parallel: const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); const workers = [new Worker('./worker.js'), new Worker('./worker.js')]; Example of concurrent: async function concurrent() { const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([task1(), task2()]); }
Async error handling patterns include: 1) Try-catch with async/await. Example: async function handle() { try { await riskyOperation(); } catch (err) { handleError(err); } } 2) Error boundaries: class ErrorBoundary extends EventEmitter { async execute(fn) { try { return await fn(); } catch (err) { this.emit('error', err); } } } 3) Error-first callbacks: function operation(callback) { doAsync((err, result) => callback(err, result)); }
Node.js timer functions work through: 1) Timer phase in event loop, 2) Min heap data structure for efficient timer management, 3) Internal scheduling using libuv. Example: const start = Date.now(); setTimeout(() => console.log(Date.now() - start), 1000); // Actual delay might be longer due to event loop phases and CPU load. setTimeout and setInterval are not exact timing mechanisms.
Async hooks track lifecycle of async operations: 1) init: Resource creation, 2) before: Callback execution start, 3) after: Callback completion, 4) destroy: Resource cleanup. Example: const async_hooks = require('async_hooks'); const hook = async_hooks.createHook({ init(asyncId, type) { console.log(`${type}: ${asyncId}`); }, destroy(asyncId) { console.log(`Destroyed: ${asyncId}`); } }).enable();
Custom promises can be implemented using the Promise constructor: Example: function customPromise(value) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (value) { setTimeout(() => resolve(value), 1000); } else { reject(new Error('Invalid value')); } }); } class AsyncOperation { static async execute() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Async operation logic }); } }
Promise execution phases include: 1) Pending: Initial state, 2) Fulfilled: Successful completion, 3) Rejected: Error state. Methods: .then() for fulfillment, .catch() for rejection, .finally() for cleanup. Example: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { doAsync() }).then(result => { // Fulfilled }).catch(error => { // Rejected }).finally(() => { // Cleanup });
Throttling and debouncing control function execution frequency: 1) Throttle: Limit execution rate. Example: function throttle(fn, delay) { let last = 0; return function(...args) { const now = Date.now(); if (now - last >= delay) { last = now; return fn.apply(this, args); } }; } 2) Debounce: Delay execution until pause. Example: function debounce(fn, delay) { let timeoutId; return function(...args) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, args), delay); }; }
Race conditions can be handled through: 1) Promise.race() for first completion, 2) Mutex implementation for synchronization, 3) Atomic operations, 4) Proper state management. Example: class Mutex { constructor() { this.locked = false; this.queue = []; } async acquire() { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!this.locked) { this.locked = true; resolve(); } else { this.queue.push(resolve); } }); } release() { if (this.queue.length > 0) { const next = this.queue.shift(); next(); } else { this.locked = false; } } }
Event loop starvation occurs when CPU-intensive tasks block the event loop from processing other events. Prevention methods include: 1) Breaking long tasks into smaller chunks using setImmediate, 2) Using Worker Threads for CPU-intensive work, 3) Implementing proper concurrency controls. Example: function processArray(arr) { let index = 0; function nextChunk() { if (index < arr.length) { let chunk = arr.slice(index, index + 1000); // Process chunk setImmediate(() => nextChunk()); // Schedule next chunk index += 1000; } } nextChunk(); }
Cancellable promises can be implemented using: 1) AbortController for fetch operations, 2) Custom cancel tokens, 3) Wrapper classes with cancel functionality. Example: class CancellablePromise { constructor(executor) { this.abortController = new AbortController(); this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { executor(resolve, reject, this.abortController.signal); }); } cancel() { this.abortController.abort(); } } const operation = new CancellablePromise((resolve, reject, signal) => { signal.addEventListener('abort', () => reject(new Error('Cancelled'))); });
Patterns for concurrent database operations include: 1) Connection pooling, 2) Transaction management, 3) Batch operations, 4) Rate limiting. Example: class DBOperations { constructor(pool) { this.pool = pool; } async batchInsert(records, batchSize = 1000) { for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i += batchSize) { const batch = records.slice(i, i + batchSize); await Promise.all(batch.map(record => this.insert(record))); } } async transaction(operations) { const client = await this.pool.connect(); try { await client.query('BEGIN'); const results = await Promise.all(operations.map(op => op(client))); await client.query('COMMIT'); return results; } catch (e) { await client.query('ROLLBACK'); throw e; } finally { client.release(); } } }
Retry mechanisms can be implemented using: 1) Exponential backoff, 2) Maximum retry limits, 3) Retry delay calculation, 4) Error type checking. Example: async function retry(operation, maxRetries = 3, delay = 1000) { for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) { try { return await operation(); } catch (error) { if (i === maxRetries - 1) throw error; const waitTime = delay * Math.pow(2, i); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime)); } } }
Memory leak prevention strategies include: 1) Proper event listener cleanup, 2) Closing resources (files, connections), 3) Monitoring reference counts, 4) Using WeakMap/WeakSet. Example: class ResourceManager { constructor() { this.resources = new WeakMap(); } async useResource(key, resource) { try { this.resources.set(key, resource); await resource.process(); } finally { resource.close(); // Cleanup this.resources.delete(key); } } }
Async iterators can be implemented using Symbol.asyncIterator: Example: class DataSource { constructor(data) { this.data = data; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { for (const item of this.data) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); yield item; } } } async function processData() { const source = new DataSource([1, 2, 3]); for await (const item of source) { console.log(item); } }
Rate limiting patterns include: 1) Token bucket algorithm, 2) Sliding window, 3) Fixed window counting, 4) Leaky bucket algorithm. Example: class RateLimiter { constructor(limit, interval) { this.limit = limit; this.interval = interval; this.tokens = limit; this.lastRefill = Date.now(); } async acquire() { const now = Date.now(); const timePassed = now - this.lastRefill; this.tokens += Math.floor(timePassed / this.interval) * this.limit; this.tokens = Math.min(this.tokens, this.limit); this.lastRefill = now; if (this.tokens <= 0) { throw new Error('Rate limit exceeded'); } this.tokens--; return true; } }
Timeout handling includes: 1) Promise race with timeout promise, 2) AbortController integration, 3) Cleanup on timeout. Example: function withTimeout(promise, timeout) { const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Operation timed out')), timeout); }); return Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise]); } async function fetchWithTimeout(url, timeout = 5000) { const controller = new AbortController(); const id = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), timeout); try { const response = await fetch(url, { signal: controller.signal }); clearTimeout(id); return response; } catch (err) { clearTimeout(id); throw err; } }
Async dependency injection patterns include: 1) Factory functions, 2) Async constructors, 3) Dependency containers. Example: class Container { constructor() { this.dependencies = new Map(); } async register(key, factory) { this.dependencies.set(key, factory); } async resolve(key) { const factory = this.dependencies.get(key); if (!factory) throw new Error(`No dependency found for ${key}`); return await factory(); } } class Service { static async create(container) { const dependency = await container.resolve('dependency'); return new Service(dependency); } }
Distributed event patterns include: 1) Message queues, 2) Pub/sub systems, 3) Event buses, 4) Webhook implementations. Example: class DistributedEventEmitter { constructor(redis) { this.redis = redis; this.handlers = new Map(); this.redis.subscribe('events'); this.redis.on('message', (channel, message) => { const event = JSON.parse(message); const handlers = this.handlers.get(event.type) || []; handlers.forEach(handler => handler(event.data)); }); } on(eventType, handler) { const handlers = this.handlers.get(eventType) || []; handlers.push(handler); this.handlers.set(eventType, handlers); } emit(eventType, data) { this.redis.publish('events', JSON.stringify({ type: eventType, data })); } }
Async middleware patterns include: 1) Pipeline pattern, 2) Chain of responsibility, 3) Composition pattern. Example: class MiddlewareChain { constructor() { this.middlewares = []; } use(middleware) { this.middlewares.push(middleware); return this; } async execute(context) { return this.middlewares.reduce((promise, middleware) => { return promise.then(() => middleware(context)); }, Promise.resolve()); } } const chain = new MiddlewareChain(); chain.use(async (ctx) => { ctx.validated = true; }).use(async (ctx) => { if (ctx.validated) ctx.processed = true; });
Backpressure handling strategies include: 1) Implementing pause/resume mechanisms, 2) Buffer size limits, 3) Throttling, 4) Flow control. Example: class ThrottledStream extends Readable { constructor(source, rate) { super(); this.source = source; this.rate = rate; this.lastRead = Date.now(); } _read(size) { const now = Date.now(); const timeSinceLastRead = now - this.lastRead; if (timeSinceLastRead < this.rate) { setTimeout(() => this._read(size), this.rate - timeSinceLastRead); return; } this.lastRead = now; const chunk = this.source.read(size); this.push(chunk); } }
Async error boundaries can be implemented using: 1) Higher-order functions, 2) Class wrappers, 3) Decorator patterns. Example: class AsyncBoundary { constructor(errorHandler) { this.errorHandler = errorHandler; } wrap(target) { return new Proxy(target, { get: (obj, prop) => { const value = obj[prop]; if (typeof value === 'function') { return async (...args) => { try { return await value.apply(obj, args); } catch (error) { return this.errorHandler(error); } }; } return value; } }); } } const safeFetch = new AsyncBoundary(error => console.error(error)) .wrap({ async fetch(url) { const response = await fetch(url); return response.json(); } });
Node.js supports multiple module systems: 1) CommonJS (require/exports): Traditional Node.js module system. Example: const fs = require('fs'); module.exports = { ... }. 2) ES Modules (import/export): Modern JavaScript module system. Example: import fs from 'fs'; export const handler = { ... }. 3) ECMAScript Modules in Node.js require either .mjs extension or { 'type': 'module' } in package.json.
Node.js module resolution follows these steps: 1) Core modules (like 'fs'), 2) Local modules with relative paths ('./myModule'), 3) node_modules lookup (starts from current directory, moves up), 4) Package.json 'main' field. Example resolution: require('mymodule') → looks in ./node_modules/mymodule → ../node_modules/mymodule → / etc. Resolution can be customized using NODE_PATH environment variable or package.json fields.
package.json is a project manifest file containing: 1) Basic info (name, version, description), 2) Dependencies (dependencies, devDependencies), 3) Scripts (start, test, build), 4) Configuration (type, engines). Example: { 'name': 'my-app', 'version': '1.0.0', 'dependencies': { 'express': '^4.17.1' }, 'scripts': { 'start': 'node server.js' }, 'type': 'module' }. It's essential for npm package management and project configuration.
NPM dependency management includes: 1) Installing packages: npm install package-name, 2) Saving dependencies: --save or --save-dev flags, 3) Version control: semantic versioning (^, ~, exact versions), 4) Updating packages: npm update, 5) Auditing security: npm audit. Example managing a project: npm init npm install express --save npm install jest --save-dev npm update npm audit fix
Peer dependencies specify packages that must be installed by the consuming application. Used when: 1) Creating plugins/extensions, 2) Avoiding duplicate dependencies, 3) Ensuring compatibility. Example package.json: { 'name': 'my-plugin', 'peerDependencies': { 'react': '>=16.8.0', 'react-dom': '>=16.8.0' } }. The consuming application must install compatible versions of peer dependencies.
Circular dependencies can be handled through: 1) Restructuring code to avoid cycles, 2) Using dependency injection, 3) Moving shared code to a separate module. Example problem: // a.js const b = require('./b'); // b.js const a = require('./a'); Solution: Create shared module: // shared.js module.exports = { sharedFunction() {} }; Then import shared in both modules.
NPM workspaces enable managing multiple packages in a single repository: 1) Define workspaces in root package.json, 2) Share dependencies across packages, 3) Link local packages together. Example: { 'name': 'monorepo', 'workspaces': ['packages/*'], 'private': true }. Directory structure: /packages/pkg1/package.json /packages/pkg2/package.json. Commands work across all workspaces: npm install --workspace=pkg1
Module loading optimization techniques: 1) Use module caching effectively, 2) Implement lazy loading, 3) Bundle modules for production, 4) Use path aliases. Example lazy loading: const getLodash = () => require('lodash'); function processData(data) { const _ = getLodash(); return _.groupBy(data, 'type'); } Cache example: const cache = {}; function requireFromCache(module) { if (!cache[module]) cache[module] = require(module); return cache[module]; }
Package versioning methods include: 1) Semantic Versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), 2) Version ranges (^, ~, *, x), 3) Git URLs, 4) Local paths. Example package.json: { 'dependencies': { 'express': '^4.17.1', // Minor version updates 'lodash': '~4.17.21', // Patch updates only 'mylib': 'file:../mylib', // Local path 'private-pkg': 'git+ssh://git@github.com:org/repo.git' // Git URL } }
Package publishing process: 1) Prepare package.json (name, version, files), 2) Create npm account, 3) npm login, 4) npm publish. Maintenance: 1) Version updates (npm version), 2) README and documentation, 3) Security updates, 4) Deprecation if needed. Example workflow: npm version patch npm publish npm deprecate my-package@"<2.0.0" "Critical security bug fixed in v2.0.0"
package-lock.json ensures consistent installs across environments by: 1) Locking exact versions of dependencies, 2) Recording dependency tree, 3) Including integrity hashes, 4) Maintaining deterministic installs. Example: { 'name': 'project', 'lockfileVersion': 2, 'requires': true, 'packages': { 'node_modules/express': { 'version': '4.17.1', 'resolved': 'https://registry.npmjs.org/express/-/express-4.17.1.tgz', 'integrity': 'sha512-...' } } }
Native modules management includes: 1) node-gyp for compilation, 2) Binary distribution using prebuilt packages, 3) Platform-specific installations. Example package.json: { 'dependencies': { 'bcrypt': '^5.0.1' }, 'scripts': { 'install': 'node-gyp rebuild' } } Installation handling: if (process.platform === 'win32') { module.exports = require('./binary/windows'); } else { module.exports = require('./binary/unix'); }
Security practices include: 1) Regular security audits (npm audit), 2) Version pinning for critical dependencies, 3) Using .npmrc for security settings, 4) Implementing lockfiles, 5) Automated vulnerability scanning. Example: { 'scripts': { 'preinstall': 'npm audit', 'audit-fix': 'npm audit fix' } } .npmrc configuration: audit=true save-exact=true package-lock=true
Module mocking approaches: 1) Jest mock functions, 2) Proxyquire for dependency injection, 3) Manual mocking. Example with Jest: jest.mock('./database', () => ({ query: jest.fn() })); Example with Proxyquire: const proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); const stubs = { './database': { query: () => Promise.resolve([]) } }; const module = proxyquire('./module', stubs);
Module scoping patterns include: 1) IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression), 2) Revealing Module Pattern, 3) ES Modules with private fields, 4) Symbol-based privacy. Example: const createModule = () => { const privateVar = Symbol('private'); return { [privateVar]: 'hidden', publicMethod() { return this[privateVar]; } }; }; ES Module example: export class Module { #privateField = 'hidden'; getPrivate() { return this.#privateField; } }
Environment-specific dependency management: 1) Development vs production dependencies, 2) Optional dependencies, 3) Conditional installations, 4) Environment-specific builds. Example package.json: { 'dependencies': { 'express': '^4.17.1' }, 'devDependencies': { 'jest': '^27.0.0' }, 'optionalDependencies': { 'win-printer': '^1.0.0' }, 'scripts': { 'install': 'node scripts/conditional-install.js' } }
Understand promises, async/await, and callback patterns.
Work with Express.js, REST APIs, and middleware.
Explore clustering, caching, and database optimization.
Expect questions about scalability and microservices.
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