Next.js Interview Questions Your Guide to Success

Next.js, a powerful React framework, is essential for building modern web applications with server-side rendering capabilities, making it a crucial skill for frontend and full-stack developers. offers a curated collection of Next.js interview questions, real-world scenarios, and expert guidance to help you excel in your next technical interview.



    • What is Next.js and what are its main features?

      Next.js is a React framework that provides features like server-side rendering, static site generation, file-based...

    • How do you create a new Next.js project?

      Create a Next.js project using 'npx create-next-app@latest' or 'yarn create next-app'. This sets up a new project...

    • What is the basic project structure of a Next.js application?

      Next.js project structure includes pages directory for routes, public for static assets, styles for CSS, components...

    • What are the core dependencies of a Next.js project?

      Core dependencies include React, React DOM, and Next.js itself. These are automatically included in package.json...

    • What are the available script commands in a Next.js project?

      Default scripts include 'dev' for development server, 'build' for production build, 'start' for production server,...

    • How do you run a Next.js application in development mode?

      Run development server using 'npm run dev' or 'yarn dev'. This starts the application with hot reloading at...

    • What is the purpose of next.config.js?

      next.config.js is a configuration file for customizing Next.js behavior. It can configure webpack, environment...

    • How do you handle environment variables in Next.js?

      Environment variables are handled using .env files (.env.local, .env.development, .env.production). Variables...

    • What is the difference between pages and app directory?

      The pages directory uses the Pages Router, while app directory uses the newer App Router. App Router supports React...

    • How do you add TypeScript to a Next.js project?

      TypeScript is supported out of the box. Create project with --typescript flag or add manually by creating...

    • How do you implement custom server configuration?

      Custom server configuration requires creating server.js file, implementing custom routing logic, and modifying...

    • How do you configure webpack in Next.js?

      Webpack configuration is customized in next.config.js using webpack function. Can modify loaders, plugins, and other...

    • How do you implement CI/CD for Next.js?

      CI/CD implementation includes setting up build pipelines, automated testing, deployment scripts. Configure with...

    • How do you handle project aliases and paths?

      Configure path aliases in tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json using baseUrl and paths. Supports absolute imports and...

    • How do you implement build time optimizations?

      Build optimizations include code splitting, tree shaking, image optimization, and bundle analysis. Configure in...

    • How do you handle static file serving?

      Static files are served from public directory. Support automatic optimization for images. Configure caching headers...

    • How do you implement project architecture?

      Project architecture includes directory structure, code organization, module patterns. Consider scalability,...

    • How do you handle dependency management?

      Dependency management includes version control, package updates, security audits. Use package managers effectively....

    • How do you implement code quality tools?

      Code quality tools include ESLint, Prettier, TypeScript. Configure linting rules. Implement pre-commit hooks. Handle...

    • How do you handle project documentation?

      Project documentation includes README, API docs, component documentation. Use tools like Storybook. Implement...

    • How do you implement advanced project configuration?

      Advanced configuration includes custom babel config, module federation, plugin system. Handle complex build...

    • How do you implement monorepo setup?

      Monorepo setup includes workspace configuration, shared dependencies, build orchestration. Use tools like Turborepo....

    • How do you implement build plugins?

      Build plugins extend Next.js functionality. Create custom webpack plugins. Handle build process modifications....

    • How do you implement advanced optimization strategies?

      Advanced optimization includes custom cache strategies, bundle optimization, resource prioritization. Handle...

    • How do you implement custom build processes?

      Custom build processes include build scripts, asset pipeline, deployment automation. Handle build environments....

    • How do you implement project scalability?

      Project scalability includes architecture patterns, performance optimization, code organization. Handle growing...

    • How do you implement advanced testing setup?

      Advanced testing includes test infrastructure, CI integration, test automation. Handle complex test scenarios....

    • How do you implement security configurations?

      Security configurations include CSP headers, security middleware, vulnerability scanning. Handle security policies....

    • How do you implement monitoring setup?

      Monitoring setup includes error tracking, performance monitoring, analytics integration. Handle monitoring tools....

    • How do you implement advanced deployment strategies?

      Advanced deployment includes zero-downtime deployment, rollback strategies, deployment automation. Handle deployment...

    • What are the differences between App Router and Pages Router in Next.js?

      App Router is newer, uses app directory, supports React Server Components, nested layouts, and improved routing...

    • How do you create basic routes in Next.js?

      In App Router, create routes by adding page.js files in app directory. In Pages Router, add files to pages...

    • What are dynamic routes in Next.js?

      Dynamic routes use square brackets for variable segments. Example: [id]/page.js creates dynamic route. Parameters...

    • How do you handle client-side navigation?

      Use Link component for client-side navigation. Example: <Link href='/about'>About</Link>. Provides automatic...

    • What is the useRouter hook?

      useRouter hook provides access to router object for programmatic navigation, route information, and parameters....

    • How do you create nested routes?

      Create nested directories in app or pages folder. Each level can have its own page.js or layout.js. Supports nested...

    • What are route groups in Next.js?

      Route groups use (groupName) syntax in app directory. Don't affect URL structure. Share layouts within groups....

    • How do you handle 404 pages?

      Create not-found.js in app directory or 404.js in pages directory. Automatically shown for non-existent routes. Can...

    • What is parallel routing in Next.js?

      Parallel routing allows simultaneous loading of multiple pages in same layout using @folder convention. Supports...

    • How do you handle route parameters?

      Access route parameters through params prop in page components or searchParams for query strings. Available in both...

    • How do you implement route interceptors?

      Route interceptors use (.) convention in App Router. Intercept routes while preserving context. Handle overlays and...

    • How do you handle route loading states?

      Create loading.js files for automatic loading UI. Support Suspense boundaries. Handle streaming and progressive...

    • How do you implement route middleware?

      Create middleware.ts in project root. Handle route protection, redirects, headers. Support conditional execution....

    • How do you handle route transitions?

      Implement custom transition effects using hooks and components. Handle loading states. Support animation libraries....

    • How do you implement route protection?

      Use middleware or page components for authentication checks. Handle redirects. Support role-based access. Implement...

    • How do you handle route prefetching?

      Control prefetching with prefetch prop on Link component. Implement custom prefetch logic. Handle data preloading....

    • How do you implement route rewriting?

      Configure rewrites in next.config.js. Handle URL transformation. Support pattern matching. Implement rewrite conditions.

    • How do you handle route redirects?

      Configure redirects in next.config.js or use redirect helper. Handle permanent/temporary redirects. Support redirect...

    • How do you implement route optimization?

      Optimize route performance through code splitting, prefetching, caching. Handle route priorities. Implement...

    • How do you handle internationalized routing?

      Implement i18n routing using middleware and configuration. Handle language detection. Support URL patterns....

    • How do you implement dynamic route patterns?

      Create complex dynamic routes with optional catches, multiple parameters. Handle route constraints. Support pattern...

    • How do you handle route state persistence?

      Implement state persistence across route changes. Handle navigation state. Support history management. Implement...

    • How do you implement route caching strategies?

      Create custom caching for route data. Handle cache invalidation. Support dynamic caching. Implement cache strategies.

    • How do you handle complex route layouts?

      Implement nested and parallel layouts. Handle layout groups. Support template inheritance. Implement layout patterns.

    • How do you implement route error boundaries?

      Create error boundaries for route segments. Handle error recovery. Support fallback content. Implement error reporting.

    • How do you handle route code splitting?

      Implement advanced code splitting strategies. Handle dynamic imports. Support chunk optimization. Implement loading...

    • How do you implement route analytics?

      Track route navigation and performance metrics. Handle analytics integration. Support custom events. Implement...

    • How do you handle route testing?

      Implement comprehensive route testing. Handle navigation testing. Support integration tests. Implement test utilities.

    • How do you implement route documentation?

      Create detailed route documentation. Generate API documentation. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • What are the different data fetching methods in Next.js 13+?

      Next.js 13+ provides async Server Components, fetch() with caching options, server actions, and client-side fetching...

    • How do you fetch data in Server Components?

      Use async/await directly in Server Components. Example: async function Page() { const data = await...

    • What is static data fetching in Next.js?

      Static data fetching occurs at build time using fetch with cache: 'force-cache' option. Data is cached and reused...

    • How do you implement dynamic data fetching?

      Use fetch with cache: 'no-store' option or revalidate: 0 for dynamic data. Data fetched on every request. Suitable...

    • What is Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)?

      ISR allows static pages to be updated after build time. Use fetch with revalidate option. Combines benefits of...

    • How do you handle client-side data fetching?

      Use hooks like useState and useEffect in Client Components, or data fetching libraries like SWR or React Query....

    • What are Server Actions in Next.js?

      Server Actions allow form handling and data mutations directly from Server Components. Use 'use server' directive....

    • How do you implement data caching?

      Use fetch cache options or React cache function. Configure cache behavior in fetch requests. Support cache...

    • What is parallel data fetching?

      Fetch multiple data sources simultaneously using Promise.all or parallel routes. Improve performance by avoiding...

    • How do you handle loading states?

      Create loading.js files for automatic loading UI. Use Suspense boundaries. Support streaming and progressive...

    • How do you implement request waterfalls?

      Handle sequential data fetching where each request depends on previous results. Manage dependencies between...

    • How do you handle data revalidation?

      Implement on-demand revalidation using revalidatePath or revalidateTag. Handle time-based revalidation. Support...

    • How do you optimize data fetching?

      Implement request deduplication, caching strategies, parallel fetching. Handle data preloading. Support prefetching....

    • How do you handle error boundaries?

      Create error.js files for error handling. Implement fallback content. Support error recovery. Handle error...

    • How do you implement data mutations?

      Use Server Actions or API routes for data mutations. Handle optimistic updates. Support rollback mechanisms....

    • How do you handle real-time data?

      Implement WebSocket connections or server-sent events. Handle real-time updates. Support data synchronization....

    • How do you implement data validation?

      Validate data on server and client side. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation...

    • How do you handle data persistence?

      Implement client-side storage strategies. Handle offline support. Support data synchronization. Implement...

    • How do you implement data prefetching?

      Use prefetch methods or preload data during build. Handle route prefetching. Support data preloading. Implement...

    • How do you handle data security?

      Implement secure data fetching patterns. Handle authentication/authorization. Support data encryption. Implement...

    • How do you implement advanced caching strategies?

      Create custom caching logic. Handle cache invalidation patterns. Support distributed caching. Implement cache management.

    • How do you handle complex data relationships?

      Manage nested data structures. Handle circular references. Support data normalization. Implement relationship patterns.

    • How do you implement data synchronization?

      Handle multi-client data sync. Implement conflict resolution. Support offline-first patterns. Manage sync state.

    • How do you handle data migrations?

      Implement data structure changes. Handle version migrations. Support data transformation. Manage migration state.

    • How do you implement data monitoring?

      Track data fetching performance. Handle analytics integration. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle data scalability?

      Implement scalable fetching patterns. Handle large datasets. Support pagination strategies. Implement performance...

    • How do you implement data testing?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle mock data. Support integration testing. Implement test utilities.

    • How do you handle data encryption?

      Implement end-to-end encryption. Handle key management. Support secure transmission. Implement encryption strategies.

    • How do you implement data versioning?

      Handle API versioning. Support backwards compatibility. Implement version migration. Manage version state.

    • How do you handle data documentation?

      Create comprehensive API documentation. Generate type definitions. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • What is Server-Side Rendering in Next.js?

      SSR generates HTML on the server for each request. Provides better initial page load and SEO. Next.js handles SSR...

    • What are React Server Components?

      Server Components run only on server, reduce client-side JavaScript. Support async data fetching. Cannot use...

    • How does hydration work in Next.js?

      Hydration attaches JavaScript functionality to server-rendered HTML. Happens automatically after initial page load....

    • What is streaming SSR?

      Streaming SSR progressively sends HTML chunks as they're generated. Uses <Suspense> boundaries. Improves Time To...

    • How do you handle SSR data fetching?

      Use async Server Components or getServerSideProps. Data available during render. Support server-only operations....

    • What are the benefits of SSR?

      Better SEO, faster initial page load, improved performance on slow devices. Support social media previews. Handle...

    • How do you access server-only code?

      Use 'use server' directive or .server.js files. Handle sensitive operations. Access server-side APIs. Support secure...

    • What is server-side rendering cache?

      SSR cache stores rendered pages on server. Improves performance for subsequent requests. Supports cache...

    • How do you handle SSR errors?

      Use error.js files for error boundaries. Handle server-side errors. Support fallback content. Implement error reporting.

    • What is the difference between SSR and SSG?

      SSR generates HTML per request, SSG at build time. SSR better for dynamic content, SSG for static. Trade-off between...

    • How do you implement SSR optimization?

      Use streaming, caching, code splitting. Handle resource optimization. Support performance monitoring. Implement...

    • How do you handle SSR with authentication?

      Implement server-side authentication checks. Handle protected routes. Support session management. Implement auth strategies.

    • How do you implement SSR middleware?

      Create middleware for request processing. Handle request transformation. Support middleware chain. Implement custom logic.

    • How do you handle SSR with third-party libraries?

      Handle library compatibility issues. Support SSR-specific configurations. Implement integration strategies. Manage...

    • How do you implement SSR headers?

      Set custom headers for SSR responses. Handle caching headers. Support security headers. Implement header management.

    • How do you handle SSR with state management?

      Implement server-side state initialization. Handle state hydration. Support state serialization. Implement state strategies.

    • How do you implement SSR with i18n?

      Handle server-side translations. Support locale detection. Implement translation loading. Manage language switching.

    • How do you handle SSR performance monitoring?

      Track SSR metrics and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement SSR testing?

      Create server-side rendering tests. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test utilities.

    • How do you handle SSR caching strategies?

      Implement advanced caching patterns. Handle cache invalidation. Support distributed caching. Implement cache management.

    • How do you implement SSR error handling?

      Create comprehensive error handling. Support error recovery. Handle error boundaries. Implement error reporting.

    • How do you handle SSR with WebSocket?

      Implement real-time features with SSR. Handle connection management. Support event handling. Implement WebSocket strategies.

    • How do you implement SSR security measures?

      Handle server-side security concerns. Implement XSS protection. Support CSRF prevention. Implement security strategies.

    • How do you handle SSR with microservices?

      Implement SSR in microservice architecture. Handle service communication. Support service discovery. Implement...

    • How do you implement SSR instrumentation?

      Create detailed performance tracking. Handle metric collection. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring solutions.

    • How do you handle SSR with GraphQL?

      Implement server-side GraphQL operations. Handle query execution. Support data fetching. Implement GraphQL integration.

    • How do you implement SSR optimization patterns?

      Create advanced optimization strategies. Handle resource optimization. Support performance patterns. Implement...

    • How do you handle SSR deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies for SSR. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions. Implement...

    • How do you implement SSR documentation?

      Create comprehensive SSR documentation. Generate API documentation. Support example implementations. Implement...

    • What is Static Site Generation in Next.js?

      SSG generates HTML at build time instead of runtime. Pages are pre-rendered and can be served from CDN. Provides...

    • How do you implement SSG in Next.js?

      Use generateStaticParams for App Router or getStaticProps/getStaticPaths for Pages Router. Pages are built at build...

    • How do you handle dynamic routes in SSG?

      Define dynamic paths using generateStaticParams or getStaticPaths. Specify which paths to pre-render. Support...

    • What is the fallback option in SSG?

      Fallback controls behavior for non-generated paths. Options: false (404), true (loading), or 'blocking' (SSR)....

    • How do you implement data fetching for SSG?

      Fetch data during build using async components or getStaticProps. Data available at build time. Support external...

    • What are the benefits of SSG?

      Fastest page loads, better SEO, reduced server load, improved security. Pages can be served from CDN. Support global...

    • How do you validate static paths?

      Implement path validation during build. Handle invalid paths. Support custom validation. Implement error handling...

    • What is build time data fetching?

      Data fetched during npm run build. Available for static page generation. Support external data sources. Handle...

    • How do you handle static assets in SSG?

      Place assets in public directory. Support automatic optimization. Handle asset references. Implement asset...

    • How do you implement ISR revalidation?

      Set revalidate time in fetch options. Handle on-demand revalidation. Support revalidation triggers. Implement...

    • How do you handle large datasets in SSG?

      Implement pagination or chunking. Handle build performance. Support incremental builds. Implement data management strategies.

    • How do you optimize build time?

      Implement build optimization strategies. Handle parallel generation. Support incremental builds. Implement caching...

    • How do you handle dynamic content in SSG?

      Use client-side fetching for dynamic data. Implement hybrid approaches. Support progressive enhancement. Handle...

    • How do you implement preview mode?

      Enable preview mode for draft content. Handle authentication. Support preview routes. Implement preview strategies.

    • How do you handle build errors?

      Implement error handling during build. Support fallback content. Handle partial builds. Implement error reporting.

    • How do you implement build caching?

      Use build cache for faster builds. Handle cache invalidation. Support incremental builds. Implement cache strategies.

    • How do you handle internationalization?

      Generate static pages for multiple locales. Handle locale routing. Support translation loading. Implement i18n strategies.

    • How do you implement build monitoring?

      Track build metrics and performance. Handle build analytics. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement partial builds?

      Build only changed pages. Handle dependency tracking. Support incremental builds. Implement build optimization.

    • How do you handle complex data dependencies?

      Manage nested data relationships. Handle circular dependencies. Support data validation. Implement dependency resolution.

    • How do you implement build pipelines?

      Create custom build workflows. Handle build stages. Support parallel processing. Implement pipeline optimization.

    • How do you handle distributed builds?

      Implement distributed build system. Handle build coordination. Support build synchronization. Implement distribution...

    • How do you handle build time optimization?

      Implement advanced optimization techniques. Handle resource optimization. Support parallel processing. Implement...

    • How do you implement build analysis?

      Create build performance analysis. Handle metrics collection. Support debugging tools. Implement analysis strategies.

    • How do you handle build security?

      Implement secure build processes. Handle sensitive data. Support security scanning. Implement security measures.

    • How do you implement build automation?

      Create automated build workflows. Handle CI/CD integration. Support automated testing. Implement automation strategies.

    • How do you handle build documentation?

      Create comprehensive build documentation. Generate build reports. Support example configurations. Implement...

    • What are API Routes in Next.js?

      API Routes are serverless endpoints built into Next.js. Created in pages/api directory (Pages Router) or app/api...

    • How do you create a basic API route?

      Create a file in app/api directory that exports default async function. Handle request methods (GET, POST, etc.)....

    • How do you handle different HTTP methods?

      Export functions named after HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Or use conditional logic in Pages Router....

    • How do you access query parameters?

      Access query params through request.nextUrl.searchParams in App Router or req.query in Pages Router. Parse and...

    • How do you handle POST requests?

      Access request body using await request.json() or similar methods. Validate request data. Process POST data. Return...

    • What are dynamic API routes?

      Use square brackets for dynamic segments [param]. Access parameters through route object. Support multiple dynamic...

    • How do you handle API errors?

      Return appropriate status codes and error messages. Use try-catch blocks. Implement error handling middleware....

    • How do you handle CORS in API routes?

      Configure CORS headers using middleware or within route handlers. Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other headers....

    • What are API middlewares?

      Middleware processes requests before reaching route handlers. Handle authentication, logging, CORS. Support...

    • How do you handle file uploads?

      Process multipart/form-data using appropriate middleware. Handle file storage. Validate file types and sizes....

    • How do you implement API rate limiting?

      Implement rate limiting middleware. Track request counts. Set rate limits. Handle limit exceeded responses. Support...

    • How do you handle API authentication?

      Implement authentication middleware. Verify tokens or credentials. Handle protected routes. Support different auth...

    • How do you implement API caching?

      Cache API responses. Handle cache invalidation. Set cache headers. Implement caching strategies. Support different...

    • How do you handle API validation?

      Validate request data using schemas or validation libraries. Handle validation errors. Return appropriate error...

    • How do you implement API logging?

      Log API requests and responses. Track performance metrics. Handle error logging. Implement logging strategies....

    • How do you handle API versioning?

      Implement version control in API routes. Handle backwards compatibility. Support multiple versions. Implement...

    • How do you implement response compression?

      Enable response compression middleware. Handle different compression types. Set appropriate headers. Implement...

    • How do you handle API documentation?

      Generate API documentation. Implement OpenAPI/Swagger. Support documentation updates. Implement documentation strategies.

    • How do you implement API monitoring?

      Track API performance and usage. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement advanced error handling?

      Create custom error classes. Handle different error types. Support error reporting. Implement error handling...

    • How do you handle streaming responses?

      Implement stream handling for large responses. Handle chunked transfer. Support progressive loading. Implement...

    • How do you implement API security measures?

      Implement security best practices. Handle XSS/CSRF protection. Support security headers. Implement security strategies.

    • How do you handle GraphQL in API routes?

      Integrate GraphQL server with API routes. Handle schema definition. Support resolvers. Implement GraphQL middleware.

    • How do you implement WebSocket support?

      Handle WebSocket connections in API routes. Manage socket state. Support real-time communication. Implement...

    • How do you handle database transactions?

      Implement transaction management in API routes. Handle rollbacks. Support nested transactions. Implement transaction...

    • How do you implement API testing?

      Create comprehensive API tests. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies. Manage...

    • How do you handle API performance optimization?

      Implement performance improvements. Handle request optimization. Support response optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement API analytics?

      Track API usage patterns. Handle analytics integration. Support custom metrics. Implement analytics strategies.

    • How do you handle API deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies for API routes. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions....

    • What is the difference between pages and components in Next.js?

      Pages are special components that become routes automatically when placed in pages/ or app/ directory. Components...

    • What is a Server Component?

      Server Components are rendered on server by default in App Router. Cannot use browser APIs or React hooks. Better...

    • What is a Client Component?

      Client Components use 'use client' directive. Can use browser APIs and React hooks. Enable interactive features. Run...

    • How do you create a layout component?

      Create layout.js file in app directory. Wraps child pages/components. Shares UI across routes. Supports nested...

    • What is component hydration?

      Hydration attaches JavaScript event handlers to server-rendered HTML. Makes static content interactive. Happens...

    • How do you handle metadata in pages?

      Use metadata object or generateMetadata function in page files. Set title, description, open graph data. Support...

    • What is error handling in pages?

      Create error.js files for error boundaries. Handle component errors. Support fallback content. Implement error...

    • What are dynamic segments in pages?

      Use [param] syntax for dynamic routes. Access parameters through props. Support multiple segments. Handle parameter...

    • How do you share state between components?

      Use React Context, state management libraries, or lift state up. Handle component communication. Support state...

    • How do you implement code splitting?

      Use dynamic imports, route-based splitting, component-based splitting. Handle lazy loading. Support chunk...

    • How do you handle component optimization?

      Implement performance optimizations. Use React.memo, useMemo, useCallback. Support component caching. Implement...

    • How do you implement component composition?

      Create reusable component patterns. Handle component hierarchy. Support component inheritance. Implement composition...

    • How do you handle component styling?

      Use CSS Modules, styled-components, or other styling solutions. Handle dynamic styles. Support theme systems....

    • How do you implement component testing?

      Create unit tests, integration tests. Handle component rendering. Support interaction testing. Implement test strategies.

    • How do you handle form components?

      Implement form handling logic. Handle validation. Support form submission. Implement form state management. Handle...

    • How do you implement component libraries?

      Create reusable component collections. Handle component documentation. Support theming. Implement component versioning.

    • How do you handle component animations?

      Implement animation libraries or CSS transitions. Handle animation states. Support transition effects. Implement...

    • How do you implement accessibility?

      Follow ARIA standards. Handle keyboard navigation. Support screen readers. Implement accessibility patterns.

    • How do you implement advanced component patterns?

      Create compound components, render props, higher-order components. Handle complex patterns. Support pattern composition.

    • How do you handle component performance monitoring?

      Track render performance. Handle performance metrics. Support profiling tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement component security?

      Handle XSS prevention, input sanitization. Support content security policies. Implement security measures.

    • How do you handle component internationalization?

      Implement i18n support. Handle translations. Support RTL layouts. Implement localization strategies.

    • How do you implement component error boundaries?

      Create error boundary components. Handle error recovery. Support fallback UI. Implement error reporting.

    • How do you handle complex state management?

      Implement state management solutions. Handle global state. Support state persistence. Implement state patterns.

    • How do you implement component documentation?

      Create component documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation strategies.

    • How do you handle component versioning?

      Implement semantic versioning. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement versioning strategies.

    • How do you implement component architecture?

      Design scalable component systems. Handle component organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design systems.

    • How do you handle component deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle build optimization. Support continuous integration. Implement deployment patterns.

    • What are layout components in Next.js?

      Layout components are created using layout.js files. Share UI between pages. Support nested layouts. Handle...

    • How do you implement CSS Modules in Next.js?

      Use .module.css files for component-scoped CSS. Import styles as objects. Support local class naming. Automatic...

    • What is global styling in Next.js?

      Import global CSS in app/layout.js or pages/_app.js. Apply styles across all components. Support reset styles and...

    • How do you handle responsive layouts?

      Use media queries, CSS Grid, Flexbox. Support mobile-first design. Handle breakpoints. Implement responsive...

    • What are nested layouts?

      Create multiple layout.js files in route segments. Support layout hierarchy. Share UI between related routes. Handle...

    • How do you use Tailwind CSS in Next.js?

      Install and configure Tailwind CSS. Use utility classes. Support JIT mode. Handle Tailwind configuration. Implement...

    • What are route groups in layouts?

      Use (group) folders to organize routes. Don't affect URL structure. Share layouts within groups. Support multiple groups.

    • How do you handle dynamic styles?

      Use CSS-in-JS solutions or dynamic class names. Support runtime styles. Handle style variables. Implement dynamic theming.

    • What is CSS-in-JS support?

      Support styled-components, Emotion, and other CSS-in-JS libraries. Handle server-side rendering. Support dynamic...

    • How do you handle layout transitions?

      Implement page and layout transitions. Support animation effects. Handle transition states. Implement smooth...

    • How do you implement theme systems?

      Create theme providers and consumers. Handle theme switching. Support dark mode. Implement theme configuration....

    • How do you handle CSS optimization?

      Implement CSS minification, purging, and bundling. Handle critical CSS. Support CSS splitting. Implement...

    • How do you implement grid systems?

      Create responsive grid layouts. Handle grid areas. Support grid templates. Implement grid components. Manage grid...

    • How do you handle CSS-in-JS performance?

      Optimize runtime performance. Handle style extraction. Support server-side generation. Implement performance strategies.

    • How do you implement responsive images?

      Use Next.js Image component. Handle srcset and sizes. Support art direction. Implement image optimization. Manage...

    • How do you handle CSS variables?

      Implement CSS custom properties. Handle variable scoping. Support dynamic values. Implement theme systems. Manage...

    • How do you implement layout patterns?

      Create reusable layout components. Handle layout composition. Support layout variations. Implement common patterns.

    • How do you handle CSS animations?

      Implement CSS transitions and keyframes. Handle animation states. Support animation libraries. Implement animation patterns.

    • How do you implement style testing?

      Create visual regression tests. Handle style snapshots. Support style assertions. Implement testing strategies.

    • How do you implement advanced layout patterns?

      Create complex layout systems. Handle dynamic layouts. Support layout algorithms. Implement advanced patterns.

    • How do you handle CSS architecture?

      Implement CSS methodology (BEM, SMACSS). Handle style organization. Support scalable systems. Implement architecture...

    • How do you implement design systems?

      Create comprehensive design systems. Handle component libraries. Support theme configuration. Implement system documentation.

    • How do you handle CSS performance monitoring?

      Track CSS performance metrics. Handle style analysis. Support optimization tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you implement layout algorithms?

      Create custom layout algorithms. Handle complex arrangements. Support dynamic positioning. Implement algorithm optimization.

    • How do you handle advanced animations?

      Implement complex animation sequences. Handle animation orchestration. Support performance optimization. Implement...

    • How do you implement CSS modules at scale?

      Handle large-scale CSS module systems. Support composition patterns. Implement naming conventions. Handle module...

    • How do you handle CSS security?

      Implement CSS sanitization. Handle style injection prevention. Support content security policies. Implement security...

    • How do you implement style documentation?

      Create comprehensive style guides. Generate documentation. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • How do you handle layout optimization?

      Implement layout performance improvements. Handle reflow optimization. Support layout calculation. Implement...

    • What are the different state management options in Next.js?

      Next.js supports multiple state management options: React's built-in useState and useContext, external libraries...

    • How do you handle local component state?

      Use useState hook for component-level state. Handle state updates. Support state initialization. Implement local...

    • What is Context API in Next.js?

      Context API shares state between components without prop drilling. Create providers and consumers. Handle context...

    • How do you integrate Redux with Next.js?

      Configure Redux store with Next.js. Handle server-side state hydration. Support Redux middleware. Implement Redux...

    • What is SWR and how is it used?

      SWR is a React hooks library for data fetching. Handles caching, revalidation, and real-time updates. Support...

    • How do you handle form state?

      Use form libraries like React Hook Form or Formik. Handle form validation. Support form submission. Implement form...

    • What is state persistence?

      Store state in localStorage or sessionStorage. Handle state recovery. Support persistence strategies. Implement...

    • How do you handle URL state?

      Use query parameters and URL segments for state. Handle URL updates. Support navigation state. Implement URL-based...

    • What is state initialization in SSR?

      Initialize state during server-side rendering. Handle state hydration. Support initial data loading. Implement SSR...

    • How do you handle async state?

      Manage loading, error, and success states. Handle async operations. Support state transitions. Implement async...

    • How do you implement state machines?

      Use state machine libraries like XState. Handle state transitions. Support finite states. Implement state machine patterns.

    • How do you handle real-time state?

      Implement WebSocket or Server-Sent Events. Handle real-time updates. Support state synchronization. Implement...

    • How do you implement state middleware?

      Create middleware for state operations. Handle state transformations. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware...

    • How do you handle state versioning?

      Implement state version control. Handle state migrations. Support backwards compatibility. Implement versioning patterns.

    • How do you implement state selectors?

      Create selectors for state derivation. Handle memoization. Support selector composition. Implement selector patterns.

    • How do you handle state validation?

      Implement state validation rules. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation patterns.

    • How do you implement state logging?

      Create state change logs. Handle state debugging. Support logging middleware. Implement logging patterns.

    • How do you handle state synchronization?

      Implement state sync between clients. Handle conflict resolution. Support offline state. Implement sync patterns.

    • How do you implement state testing?

      Create state management tests. Handle state assertions. Support integration testing. Implement test patterns.

    • How do you implement advanced state patterns?

      Create complex state management solutions. Handle state composition. Support state hierarchies. Implement advanced patterns.

    • How do you handle state performance?

      Optimize state updates and access. Handle state normalization. Support performance monitoring. Implement...

    • How do you implement state architecture?

      Design scalable state systems. Handle state organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you handle state encryption?

      Implement state data encryption. Handle key management. Support secure storage. Implement security measures.

    • How do you implement state monitoring?

      Track state changes and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle state migrations?

      Implement state structure changes. Handle version migrations. Support data transformation. Implement migration strategies.

    • How do you implement state documentation?

      Create comprehensive state documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • How do you handle state scalability?

      Implement scalable state solutions. Handle large state trees. Support performance optimization. Implement scaling strategies.

    • How do you implement state debugging?

      Create debugging tools and utilities. Handle state inspection. Support troubleshooting. Implement debugging strategies.

    • How do you handle state security?

      Implement state access control. Handle authentication/authorization. Support security policies. Implement security measures.

    • What is the Next.js Image component?

      Next.js Image component is an extension of HTML <img> tag. Provides automatic image optimization. Supports lazy...

    • How do you use the Next.js Image component?

      Import Image from 'next/image'. Add src, alt, width, and height props. Component optimizes and serves images...

    • What are the benefits of image optimization?

      Reduces image file size, improves page load speed, supports responsive images, optimizes for different devices,...

    • How does lazy loading work with images?

      Images load only when they enter viewport. Reduces initial page load time. Uses loading='lazy' attribute...

    • What is responsive image sizing?

      Images adapt to different screen sizes. Uses sizes prop for viewport-based sizing. Supports srcset generation....

    • How do you handle image quality?

      Use quality prop to set compression level. Default is 75. Balance between quality and file size. Support different...

    • What is blur placeholder?

      Shows blurred version of image while loading. Use placeholder='blur' prop. Supports blurDataURL for custom blur....

    • How do you handle remote images?

      Configure domains in next.config.js. Use loader prop for custom image service. Support remote image optimization....

    • What are static image imports?

      Import images as modules. Get width and height automatically. Support webpack optimization. Handle static image assets.

    • How do you configure image formats?

      Support WebP, AVIF formats. Use formats prop for specific formats. Handle browser compatibility. Implement format strategies.

    • How do you implement art direction?

      Use different images for different screen sizes. Handle responsive images. Support art direction patterns. Implement...

    • How do you handle image preloading?

      Use priority prop for LCP images. Handle critical images. Support preload strategies. Implement performance optimization.

    • How do you implement custom loaders?

      Create custom image loaders. Handle external image services. Support custom optimization. Implement loader strategies.

    • How do you handle image caching?

      Configure cache headers. Handle browser caching. Support CDN caching. Implement caching strategies.

    • How do you optimize SVG images?

      Handle SVG optimization. Support inline SVGs. Handle SVG sprites. Implement SVG optimization strategies.

    • How do you handle image accessibility?

      Implement alt text. Handle role attributes. Support screen readers. Implement accessibility patterns.

    • How do you implement image error handling?

      Handle loading errors. Support fallback images. Implement error states. Handle error reporting.

    • How do you handle dynamic images?

      Load images dynamically. Handle dynamic sources. Support runtime optimization. Implement dynamic patterns.

    • How do you implement image testing?

      Create image component tests. Handle visual testing. Support integration testing. Implement test patterns.

    • How do you handle image loading performance?

      Monitor loading metrics. Handle performance optimization. Support performance tracking. Implement loading strategies.

    • How do you implement advanced image optimization?

      Create complex optimization strategies. Handle different use cases. Support optimization patterns. Implement...

    • How do you handle large-scale image processing?

      Implement batch processing. Handle multiple images. Support processing queues. Implement scaling strategies.

    • How do you implement image transformation?

      Create image transformations. Handle resizing, cropping. Support filters and effects. Implement transformation pipelines.

    • How do you handle image security?

      Implement secure image handling. Handle access control. Support secure URLs. Implement security measures.

    • How do you implement image monitoring?

      Track image performance metrics. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

    • How do you handle image deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle CDN integration. Support caching systems. Implement deployment patterns.

    • How do you implement image documentation?

      Create image component documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • How do you handle image optimization testing?

      Test optimization performance. Handle metric validation. Support automation testing. Implement test strategies.

    • How do you implement image architecture?

      Design scalable image systems. Handle architecture patterns. Support system organization. Implement design principles.

    • What are the authentication options in Next.js?

      Next.js supports multiple authentication methods: JWT, session-based, OAuth providers, NextAuth.js library. Can...

    • What is NextAuth.js?

      NextAuth.js is a complete authentication solution for Next.js applications. Provides built-in support for multiple...

    • How do you handle JWT in Next.js?

      Store JWT in HTTP-only cookies or local storage. Implement token verification. Handle token expiration. Support...

    • What is session-based authentication?

      Store session data on server. Use session cookies for client identification. Handle session expiration. Support...

    • How do you implement OAuth authentication?

      Configure OAuth providers. Handle OAuth flow. Support callback URLs. Implement user profile retrieval. Manage OAuth tokens.

    • How do you handle role-based access?

      Implement role checking middleware. Define user roles. Handle permission checks. Support role hierarchies. Implement...

    • How do you secure API routes?

      Implement authentication middleware. Verify tokens or sessions. Handle unauthorized requests. Support API security....

    • What is CSRF protection?

      Implement CSRF tokens. Handle token validation. Support form submissions. Implement security headers. Prevent...

    • How do you handle authentication state?

      Manage user authentication state. Handle state persistence. Support state updates. Implement state management....

    • How do you implement password hashing?

      Use bcrypt or similar libraries. Handle password storage. Support password validation. Implement secure hashing....

    • How do you handle refresh tokens?

      Implement token refresh logic. Handle token rotation. Support silent refresh. Implement refresh strategies. Manage...

    • How do you implement social login?

      Configure social providers. Handle OAuth integration. Support user profile mapping. Implement login flow. Manage...

    • How do you handle permission systems?

      Implement granular permissions. Handle permission checks. Support permission groups. Implement access control lists....

    • How do you implement two-factor authentication?

      Support 2FA methods. Handle verification codes. Implement backup codes. Support authentication apps. Manage 2FA setup.

    • How do you handle authentication errors?

      Implement error handling. Support error messages. Handle recovery flows. Implement error logging. Manage error states.

    • How do you implement password reset?

      Handle reset flow. Support reset tokens. Implement email notifications. Handle token expiration. Manage reset process.

    • How do you handle session management?

      Implement session storage. Handle session cleanup. Support session validation. Implement session strategies. Manage...

    • How do you implement authentication testing?

      Create authentication tests. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Manage...

    • How do you handle auth monitoring?

      Track authentication metrics. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies....

    • How do you implement OAuth 2.0 flow?

      Handle authorization code flow. Support refresh tokens. Implement token exchange. Handle scopes. Manage OAuth state.

    • How do you handle token security?

      Implement secure token storage. Handle token encryption. Support token validation. Implement security measures....

    • How do you implement multi-tenancy?

      Handle tenant isolation. Support tenant authentication. Implement tenant routing. Handle tenant data. Manage tenant access.

    • How do you handle distributed authentication?

      Implement distributed session management. Handle cross-domain auth. Support SSO integration. Implement auth strategies.

    • How do you implement audit logging?

      Track authentication events. Handle audit trail. Support compliance requirements. Implement logging strategies....

    • How do you handle compliance requirements?

      Implement security standards. Handle data privacy. Support regulatory compliance. Implement compliance measures....

    • How do you implement authentication architecture?

      Design scalable auth systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

    • How do you handle authentication performance?

      Optimize authentication flow. Handle caching strategies. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization techniques.

    • How do you implement security testing?

      Create security test suites. Handle penetration testing. Support vulnerability scanning. Implement security measures.

    • How do you handle authentication deployment?

      Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions. Implement deployment patterns.

    • What are Core Web Vitals in Next.js?

      Core Web Vitals are key metrics measuring user experience: LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FID (First Input Delay),...

    • What is code splitting in Next.js?

      Code splitting automatically splits JavaScript bundles by route. Reduces initial bundle size. Supports dynamic...

    • How does image optimization work?

      Next.js Image component automatically optimizes images. Supports lazy loading, responsive sizes, modern formats....

    • What is automatic static optimization?

      Next.js automatically determines which pages can be statically generated. Improves page load performance. Supports...

    • What is script optimization?

      Next.js Script component optimizes third-party script loading. Supports loading strategies (defer, lazy). Prevents...

    • How does route prefetching work?

      Next.js automatically prefetches links in viewport. Reduces page load time. Supports custom prefetch behavior. Uses...

    • What is font optimization?

      Next.js automatically optimizes font loading. Reduces layout shift. Supports CSS size-adjust. Implements font...

    • How does caching work in Next.js?

      Next.js supports multiple caching strategies: build-time cache, server-side cache, client-side cache. Improves...

    • How do you implement lazy loading?

      Use dynamic imports, React.lazy(), and Suspense. Handle component loading states. Support code splitting. Implement...

    • How do you handle bundle analysis?

      Use @next/bundle-analyzer, analyze bundle size, identify large dependencies. Support code splitting analysis....

    • How do you optimize rendering?

      Implement memo, useMemo, useCallback hooks. Handle component optimization. Support render optimization. Implement...

    • How do you handle performance monitoring?

      Use Web Vitals API, implement analytics, track performance metrics. Support performance tracking. Implement...

    • How do you optimize CSS delivery?

      Use CSS Modules, implement critical CSS, handle CSS-in-JS optimization. Support style optimization. Implement CSS strategies.

    • How do you handle resource prioritization?

      Implement resource hints, handle preload/prefetch, optimize loading order. Support priority strategies. Implement...

    • How do you optimize HTTP/2?

      Configure server push, handle multiplexing, optimize request prioritization. Support HTTP/2 features. Implement...

    • How do you implement CDN optimization?

      Configure CDN caching, handle asset distribution, optimize edge caching. Support CDN strategies. Implement delivery...

    • How do you handle performance testing?

      Implement load testing, measure performance metrics, use Lighthouse scores. Support performance benchmarking....

    • How do you optimize for mobile?

      Implement mobile-first optimization, handle responsive optimization, optimize touch interactions. Support mobile...

    • How do you handle performance budgets?

      Set performance targets, monitor metrics, implement budget tracking. Support performance goals. Implement budget strategies.

    • How do you optimize WebAssembly usage?

      Implement WebAssembly modules, handle integration, optimize performance. Support WASM strategies. Implement...

    • How do you implement service workers?

      Configure service workers, handle offline support, implement caching strategies. Support PWA features. Implement...

    • How do you handle memory optimization?

      Implement memory management, handle memory leaks, optimize resource usage. Support memory monitoring. Implement...

    • How do you optimize WebGL content?

      Handle 3D rendering optimization, implement WebGL best practices, optimize graphics performance. Support graphics...

    • How do you implement performance monitoring tools?

      Create custom monitoring solutions, handle metric collection, implement analytics integration. Support monitoring...

    • How do you handle performance documentation?

      Create performance guidelines, document optimization strategies, implement documentation updates. Support best...

    • How do you optimize build pipelines?

      Implement build optimization, handle CI/CD performance, optimize deployment process. Support pipeline strategies....

    • What is middleware in Next.js?

      Middleware runs before request is completed. Enables custom code execution between request and response. Can modify...

    • How do you configure next.config.js?

      next.config.js is used for custom Next.js configuration. Supports various options like rewrites, redirects,...

    • What are environment variables in Next.js?

      Environment variables configured in .env files. Support different environments (.env.local, .env.production). Access...

    • How do you handle redirects?

      Configure redirects in next.config.js using redirects array. Support permanent/temporary redirects. Handle path...

    • What are rewrites in Next.js?

      Rewrites allow URL mapping without path change. Configured in next.config.js. Support external rewrites. Handle path...

    • How do you configure headers?

      Add custom headers using headers in next.config.js. Support security headers, CORS headers. Handle header...

    • What is the middleware matcher?

      Matcher defines paths where middleware runs. Uses path matching patterns. Support multiple matchers. Handle path...

    • How do you handle webpack configuration?

      Customize webpack config in next.config.js. Modify loaders, plugins, optimization settings. Support module...

    • What is the basePath configuration?

      basePath sets base URL path for application. Useful for sub-path deployments. Handle path prefixing. Support path...

    • How do you configure image domains?

      Configure allowed image domains in next.config.js. Support external image optimization. Handle domain whitelist....

    • How do you implement custom middleware?

      Create middleware functions. Handle request processing. Support middleware chain. Implement custom logic. Manage...

    • How do you handle middleware errors?

      Implement error handling in middleware. Support error recovery. Handle error responses. Implement logging. Manage...

    • How do you configure build optimization?

      Optimize build settings in next.config.js. Handle bundling options. Support optimization flags. Implement build strategies.

    • How do you handle middleware composition?

      Compose multiple middleware functions. Handle execution order. Support middleware chaining. Implement composition patterns.

    • How do you implement configuration validation?

      Validate configuration settings. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation strategies.

    • How do you handle middleware testing?

      Create middleware tests. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies.

    • How do you configure module resolution?

      Handle module aliases. Support path mapping. Configure module imports. Implement resolution strategies.

    • How do you handle middleware state?

      Manage middleware state. Handle state persistence. Support state sharing. Implement state patterns.

    • How do you configure compression?

      Handle response compression. Support compression options. Configure compression settings. Implement optimization strategies.

    • How do you handle CORS configuration?

      Configure CORS settings. Handle cross-origin requests. Support CORS headers. Implement security policies.

    • How do you implement advanced middleware patterns?

      Create complex middleware solutions. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

    • How do you handle configuration management?

      Manage multiple configurations. Handle environment-specific settings. Support configuration versioning. Implement...

    • How do you implement security middleware?

      Create security-focused middleware. Handle security measures. Support security policies. Implement protection strategies.

    • How do you implement logging middleware?

      Create logging solutions. Handle log management. Support log analysis. Implement logging strategies.

    • How do you handle configuration scaling?

      Scale configuration solutions. Handle large-scale settings. Support scaling strategies. Implement scaling patterns.

    • How do you implement documentation?

      Create middleware documentation. Generate config docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

    • How do you handle deployment configuration?

      Configure deployment settings. Handle environment setup. Support deployment strategies. Implement deployment patterns.

    • How do you implement testing strategies?

      Create comprehensive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support testing patterns. Implement test strategies.

    • What testing frameworks are recommended for Next.js?

      Jest and React Testing Library are recommended for unit and integration testing. Cypress or Playwright for...

    • How do you set up Jest with Next.js?

      Configure jest.config.js for Next.js. Set up environment and transforms. Handle module mocking. Support TypeScript...

    • How do you test pages in Next.js?

      Use React Testing Library to render pages. Test page components. Handle data fetching. Support routing tests. Test...

    • What is the Next.js debugging process?

      Use Chrome DevTools or VS Code debugger. Set breakpoints. Inspect component state. Handle error tracing. Support source maps.

    • How do you test API routes?

      Mock HTTP requests. Test API endpoints. Handle response validation. Support API testing. Implement test scenarios.

    • What is snapshot testing?

      Captures component output. Compares against stored snapshots. Detects UI changes. Support snapshot updates. Handle...

    • How do you debug server-side code?

      Use Node.js debugger. Handle server breakpoints. Inspect server state. Support server-side debugging. Implement logging.

    • What is unit testing in Next.js?

      Test individual components/functions. Handle isolated testing. Support test coverage. Implement unit test cases....

    • How do you handle test data?

      Create test fixtures. Handle mock data. Support test databases. Implement data generation. Handle test state.

    • How do you test data fetching?

      Mock fetch requests. Handle async testing. Support data mocking. Implement fetch testing. Handle response simulation.

    • How do you implement integration testing?

      Test component interactions. Handle feature testing. Support workflow testing. Implement integration scenarios....

    • How do you debug performance issues?

      Use React DevTools Profiler. Handle performance monitoring. Support optimization. Implement performance debugging....

    • How do you test authentication?

      Mock authentication state. Handle protected routes. Support auth testing. Implement auth scenarios. Handle user sessions.

    • How do you handle test coverage?

      Configure coverage reporting. Handle coverage goals. Support coverage analysis. Implement coverage tracking. Handle...

    • How do you test middleware?

      Create middleware tests. Handle request processing. Support middleware testing. Implement test scenarios. Handle...

    • How do you implement E2E testing?

      Use Cypress or Playwright. Handle user flows. Support browser testing. Implement test scenarios. Handle end-to-end workflows.

    • How do you debug routing issues?

      Handle route debugging. Support navigation testing. Implement route testing. Handle path resolution. Debug routing logic.

    • How do you test error handling?

      Test error scenarios. Handle error boundaries. Support error testing. Implement error cases. Handle error recovery.

    • How do you test state management?

      Test state changes. Handle state updates. Support state testing. Implement state scenarios. Handle state logic.

    • How do you implement advanced testing patterns?

      Create complex test scenarios. Handle advanced cases. Support pattern testing. Implement testing strategies. Handle...

    • How do you handle test automation?

      Implement CI/CD testing. Handle automated tests. Support test pipelines. Implement automation strategies. Handle...

    • How do you implement performance testing?

      Test performance metrics. Handle load testing. Support stress testing. Implement performance scenarios. Handle...

    • How do you handle security testing?

      Implement security tests. Handle vulnerability testing. Support penetration testing. Implement security scenarios....

    • How do you implement test monitoring?

      Track test execution. Handle test analytics. Support monitoring tools. Implement monitoring strategies. Handle test metrics.

    • How do you handle test documentation?

      Create test documentation. Handle documentation updates. Support example tests. Implement documentation strategies....

    • How do you implement visual testing?

      Use visual regression testing. Handle UI testing. Support screenshot testing. Implement visual validation. Handle...

    • How do you handle test environments?

      Configure test environments. Handle environment setup. Support environment isolation. Implement environment...

    • How do you implement continuous testing?

      Set up continuous testing. Handle automated runs. Support test pipelines. Implement continuous strategies. Handle...

    • How do you handle test maintenance?

      Maintain test suites. Handle test updates. Support test refactoring. Implement maintenance strategies. Handle test debt.

What is Next.js and what are its main features?

Next.js is a React framework that provides features like server-side rendering, static site generation, file-based routing, API routes, and built-in optimizations. It simplifies building production-ready React applications with improved performance and SEO capabilities.

How do you create a new Next.js project?

Create a Next.js project using 'npx create-next-app@latest' or 'yarn create next-app'. This sets up a new project with default configuration including TypeScript support, ESLint, and basic project structure.

What is the basic project structure of a Next.js application?

Next.js project structure includes pages directory for routes, public for static assets, styles for CSS, components for reusable UI components, and next.config.js for configuration. The app directory is used for the App Router in newer versions.

What are the core dependencies of a Next.js project?

Core dependencies include React, React DOM, and Next.js itself. These are automatically included in package.json when creating a new project. Additional dependencies can be added based on project requirements.

What are the available script commands in a Next.js project?

Default scripts include 'dev' for development server, 'build' for production build, 'start' for production server, and 'lint' for linting. These are defined in package.json and can be run using npm or yarn.

How do you run a Next.js application in development mode?

Run development server using 'npm run dev' or 'yarn dev'. This starts the application with hot reloading at localhost:3000 by default. Changes are automatically reflected without manual refresh.

What is the purpose of next.config.js?

next.config.js is a configuration file for customizing Next.js behavior. It can configure webpack, environment variables, redirects, rewrites, image optimization, and other build-time features.

How do you handle environment variables in Next.js?

Environment variables are handled using .env files (.env.local, .env.development, .env.production). Variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ are exposed to the browser. Others are only available server-side.

What is the difference between pages and app directory?

The pages directory uses the Pages Router, while app directory uses the newer App Router. App Router supports React Server Components, nested layouts, and improved routing patterns by default.

How do you add TypeScript to a Next.js project?

TypeScript is supported out of the box. Create project with --typescript flag or add manually by creating tsconfig.json and installing typescript and @types/react. Next.js automatically detects and configures TypeScript.

How do you implement custom server configuration?

Custom server configuration requires creating server.js file, implementing custom routing logic, and modifying package.json scripts. Supports Express or other Node.js server frameworks. Affects features like automatic static optimization.

How do you configure webpack in Next.js?

Webpack configuration is customized in next.config.js using webpack function. Can modify loaders, plugins, and other webpack options. Supports extending default configuration while maintaining Next.js optimizations.

How do you implement CI/CD for Next.js?

CI/CD implementation includes setting up build pipelines, automated testing, deployment scripts. Configure with services like GitHub Actions, Jenkins, or CircleCI. Handle environment variables and build caching.

How do you handle project aliases and paths?

Configure path aliases in tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json using baseUrl and paths. Supports absolute imports and custom module resolution. Improves code organization and maintainability.

How do you implement build time optimizations?

Build optimizations include code splitting, tree shaking, image optimization, and bundle analysis. Configure in next.config.js. Use build plugins and optimization features. Monitor build performance.

How do you handle static file serving?

Static files are served from public directory. Support automatic optimization for images. Configure caching headers and CDN options. Handle different file types appropriately.

How do you implement project architecture?

Project architecture includes directory structure, code organization, module patterns. Consider scalability, maintainability. Implement feature-based or domain-driven design. Handle shared code.

How do you handle dependency management?

Dependency management includes version control, package updates, security audits. Use package managers effectively. Handle peer dependencies. Implement dependency optimization.

How do you implement code quality tools?

Code quality tools include ESLint, Prettier, TypeScript. Configure linting rules. Implement pre-commit hooks. Handle code formatting. Support team coding standards.

How do you handle project documentation?

Project documentation includes README, API docs, component documentation. Use tools like Storybook. Implement documentation generation. Maintain documentation updates.

How do you implement advanced project configuration?

Advanced configuration includes custom babel config, module federation, plugin system. Handle complex build scenarios. Implement configuration management. Support extensibility.

How do you implement monorepo setup?

Monorepo setup includes workspace configuration, shared dependencies, build orchestration. Use tools like Turborepo. Handle package management. Implement shared configurations.

How do you implement build plugins?

Build plugins extend Next.js functionality. Create custom webpack plugins. Handle build process modifications. Implement plugin architecture. Support plugin configuration.

How do you implement advanced optimization strategies?

Advanced optimization includes custom cache strategies, bundle optimization, resource prioritization. Handle performance bottlenecks. Implement optimization pipelines.

How do you implement custom build processes?

Custom build processes include build scripts, asset pipeline, deployment automation. Handle build environments. Implement build orchestration. Support custom builds.

How do you implement project scalability?

Project scalability includes architecture patterns, performance optimization, code organization. Handle growing codebases. Implement scalable patterns. Support team collaboration.

How do you implement advanced testing setup?

Advanced testing includes test infrastructure, CI integration, test automation. Handle complex test scenarios. Implement test strategies. Support comprehensive testing.

How do you implement security configurations?

Security configurations include CSP headers, security middleware, vulnerability scanning. Handle security policies. Implement security measures. Support secure deployment.

How do you implement monitoring setup?

Monitoring setup includes error tracking, performance monitoring, analytics integration. Handle monitoring tools. Implement logging strategies. Support monitoring dashboards.

How do you implement advanced deployment strategies?

Advanced deployment includes zero-downtime deployment, rollback strategies, deployment automation. Handle deployment environments. Implement deployment pipelines. Support deployment monitoring.

What are the different data fetching methods in Next.js 13+?

Next.js 13+ provides async Server Components, fetch() with caching options, server actions, and client-side fetching methods. Supports static and dynamic data fetching with options for revalidation.

How do you fetch data in Server Components?

Use async/await directly in Server Components. Example: async function Page() { const data = await fetch('api/data'); return <Component data={data} />}. Supports automatic caching and revalidation.

What is static data fetching in Next.js?

Static data fetching occurs at build time using fetch with cache: 'force-cache' option. Data is cached and reused across requests. Suitable for content that doesn't change frequently.

How do you implement dynamic data fetching?

Use fetch with cache: 'no-store' option or revalidate: 0 for dynamic data. Data fetched on every request. Suitable for real-time or frequently changing data.

What is Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)?

ISR allows static pages to be updated after build time. Use fetch with revalidate option. Combines benefits of static and dynamic rendering. Pages regenerated based on time interval.

How do you handle client-side data fetching?

Use hooks like useState and useEffect in Client Components, or data fetching libraries like SWR or React Query. Handle loading states and errors. Support real-time updates.

What are Server Actions in Next.js?

Server Actions allow form handling and data mutations directly from Server Components. Use 'use server' directive. Support progressive enhancement. Handle form submissions securely.

How do you implement data caching?

Use fetch cache options or React cache function. Configure cache behavior in fetch requests. Support cache revalidation. Handle cache invalidation.

What is parallel data fetching?

Fetch multiple data sources simultaneously using Promise.all or parallel routes. Improve performance by avoiding waterfall requests. Handle loading states independently.

How do you handle loading states?

Create loading.js files for automatic loading UI. Use Suspense boundaries. Support streaming and progressive rendering. Implement loading skeletons.

How do you implement request waterfalls?

Handle sequential data fetching where each request depends on previous results. Manage dependencies between requests. Implement efficient loading patterns.

How do you handle data revalidation?

Implement on-demand revalidation using revalidatePath or revalidateTag. Handle time-based revalidation. Support cache invalidation. Manage revalidation triggers.

How do you optimize data fetching?

Implement request deduplication, caching strategies, parallel fetching. Handle data preloading. Support prefetching. Implement performance optimizations.

How do you handle error boundaries?

Create error.js files for error handling. Implement fallback content. Support error recovery. Handle error reporting. Manage error states.

How do you implement data mutations?

Use Server Actions or API routes for data mutations. Handle optimistic updates. Support rollback mechanisms. Implement mutation strategies.

How do you handle real-time data?

Implement WebSocket connections or server-sent events. Handle real-time updates. Support data synchronization. Implement real-time strategies.

How do you implement data validation?

Validate data on server and client side. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation strategies.

How do you handle data persistence?

Implement client-side storage strategies. Handle offline support. Support data synchronization. Implement persistence patterns.

How do you implement data prefetching?

Use prefetch methods or preload data during build. Handle route prefetching. Support data preloading. Implement prefetch strategies.

How do you handle data security?

Implement secure data fetching patterns. Handle authentication/authorization. Support data encryption. Implement security measures.

How do you implement advanced caching strategies?

Create custom caching logic. Handle cache invalidation patterns. Support distributed caching. Implement cache management.

How do you handle complex data relationships?

Manage nested data structures. Handle circular references. Support data normalization. Implement relationship patterns.

How do you implement data synchronization?

Handle multi-client data sync. Implement conflict resolution. Support offline-first patterns. Manage sync state.

How do you handle data migrations?

Implement data structure changes. Handle version migrations. Support data transformation. Manage migration state.

How do you implement data monitoring?

Track data fetching performance. Handle analytics integration. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle data scalability?

Implement scalable fetching patterns. Handle large datasets. Support pagination strategies. Implement performance optimization.

How do you implement data testing?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle mock data. Support integration testing. Implement test utilities.

How do you handle data encryption?

Implement end-to-end encryption. Handle key management. Support secure transmission. Implement encryption strategies.

How do you implement data versioning?

Handle API versioning. Support backwards compatibility. Implement version migration. Manage version state.

How do you handle data documentation?

Create comprehensive API documentation. Generate type definitions. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

What is Server-Side Rendering in Next.js?

SSR generates HTML on the server for each request. Provides better initial page load and SEO. Next.js handles SSR automatically. Combines with client-side hydration for interactivity.

What are React Server Components?

Server Components run only on server, reduce client-side JavaScript. Support async data fetching. Cannot use client-side hooks or browser APIs. Improve performance and bundle size.

How does hydration work in Next.js?

Hydration attaches JavaScript functionality to server-rendered HTML. Happens automatically after initial page load. Makes static content interactive. Preserves server-rendered state.

What is streaming SSR?

Streaming SSR progressively sends HTML chunks as they're generated. Uses <Suspense> boundaries. Improves Time To First Byte (TTFB). Supports progressive rendering.

How do you handle SSR data fetching?

Use async Server Components or getServerSideProps. Data available during render. Support server-only operations. Handle loading states.

What are the benefits of SSR?

Better SEO, faster initial page load, improved performance on slow devices. Support social media previews. Handle browser without JavaScript. Improve accessibility.

How do you access server-only code?

Use 'use server' directive or .server.js files. Handle sensitive operations. Access server-side APIs. Support secure data handling.

What is server-side rendering cache?

SSR cache stores rendered pages on server. Improves performance for subsequent requests. Supports cache invalidation. Handle cache strategies.

How do you handle SSR errors?

Use error.js files for error boundaries. Handle server-side errors. Support fallback content. Implement error reporting.

What is the difference between SSR and SSG?

SSR generates HTML per request, SSG at build time. SSR better for dynamic content, SSG for static. Trade-off between freshness and performance.

How do you implement SSR optimization?

Use streaming, caching, code splitting. Handle resource optimization. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you handle SSR with authentication?

Implement server-side authentication checks. Handle protected routes. Support session management. Implement auth strategies.

How do you implement SSR middleware?

Create middleware for request processing. Handle request transformation. Support middleware chain. Implement custom logic.

How do you handle SSR with third-party libraries?

Handle library compatibility issues. Support SSR-specific configurations. Implement integration strategies. Manage dependencies.

How do you implement SSR headers?

Set custom headers for SSR responses. Handle caching headers. Support security headers. Implement header management.

How do you handle SSR with state management?

Implement server-side state initialization. Handle state hydration. Support state serialization. Implement state strategies.

How do you implement SSR with i18n?

Handle server-side translations. Support locale detection. Implement translation loading. Manage language switching.

How do you handle SSR performance monitoring?

Track SSR metrics and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement SSR testing?

Create server-side rendering tests. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test utilities.

How do you handle SSR caching strategies?

Implement advanced caching patterns. Handle cache invalidation. Support distributed caching. Implement cache management.

How do you implement SSR error handling?

Create comprehensive error handling. Support error recovery. Handle error boundaries. Implement error reporting.

How do you handle SSR with WebSocket?

Implement real-time features with SSR. Handle connection management. Support event handling. Implement WebSocket strategies.

How do you implement SSR security measures?

Handle server-side security concerns. Implement XSS protection. Support CSRF prevention. Implement security strategies.

How do you handle SSR with microservices?

Implement SSR in microservice architecture. Handle service communication. Support service discovery. Implement integration patterns.

How do you implement SSR instrumentation?

Create detailed performance tracking. Handle metric collection. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring solutions.

How do you handle SSR with GraphQL?

Implement server-side GraphQL operations. Handle query execution. Support data fetching. Implement GraphQL integration.

How do you implement SSR optimization patterns?

Create advanced optimization strategies. Handle resource optimization. Support performance patterns. Implement optimization techniques.

How do you handle SSR deployment?

Implement deployment strategies for SSR. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement SSR documentation?

Create comprehensive SSR documentation. Generate API documentation. Support example implementations. Implement documentation updates.

What is Static Site Generation in Next.js?

SSG generates HTML at build time instead of runtime. Pages are pre-rendered and can be served from CDN. Provides fastest possible performance. Ideal for content that doesn't change frequently.

How do you implement SSG in Next.js?

Use generateStaticParams for App Router or getStaticProps/getStaticPaths for Pages Router. Pages are built at build time. Support static data fetching. Content cached and reused.

How do you handle dynamic routes in SSG?

Define dynamic paths using generateStaticParams or getStaticPaths. Specify which paths to pre-render. Support fallback behavior. Handle path generation.

What is the fallback option in SSG?

Fallback controls behavior for non-generated paths. Options: false (404), true (loading), or 'blocking' (SSR). Affects user experience and build time.

How do you implement data fetching for SSG?

Fetch data during build using async components or getStaticProps. Data available at build time. Support external APIs. Handle build-time data requirements.

What are the benefits of SSG?

Fastest page loads, better SEO, reduced server load, improved security. Pages can be served from CDN. Support global deployment. Lower hosting costs.

How do you validate static paths?

Implement path validation during build. Handle invalid paths. Support custom validation. Implement error handling for path generation.

What is build time data fetching?

Data fetched during npm run build. Available for static page generation. Support external data sources. Handle build-time operations.

How do you handle static assets in SSG?

Place assets in public directory. Support automatic optimization. Handle asset references. Implement asset management strategies.

How do you implement ISR revalidation?

Set revalidate time in fetch options. Handle on-demand revalidation. Support revalidation triggers. Implement revalidation strategies.

How do you handle large datasets in SSG?

Implement pagination or chunking. Handle build performance. Support incremental builds. Implement data management strategies.

How do you optimize build time?

Implement build optimization strategies. Handle parallel generation. Support incremental builds. Implement caching strategies.

How do you handle dynamic content in SSG?

Use client-side fetching for dynamic data. Implement hybrid approaches. Support progressive enhancement. Handle content updates.

How do you implement preview mode?

Enable preview mode for draft content. Handle authentication. Support preview routes. Implement preview strategies.

How do you handle build errors?

Implement error handling during build. Support fallback content. Handle partial builds. Implement error reporting.

How do you implement build caching?

Use build cache for faster builds. Handle cache invalidation. Support incremental builds. Implement cache strategies.

How do you handle internationalization?

Generate static pages for multiple locales. Handle locale routing. Support translation loading. Implement i18n strategies.

How do you implement build monitoring?

Track build metrics and performance. Handle build analytics. Support debugging tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement partial builds?

Build only changed pages. Handle dependency tracking. Support incremental builds. Implement build optimization.

How do you handle complex data dependencies?

Manage nested data relationships. Handle circular dependencies. Support data validation. Implement dependency resolution.

How do you implement build pipelines?

Create custom build workflows. Handle build stages. Support parallel processing. Implement pipeline optimization.

How do you handle distributed builds?

Implement distributed build system. Handle build coordination. Support build synchronization. Implement distribution strategies.

How do you handle build time optimization?

Implement advanced optimization techniques. Handle resource optimization. Support parallel processing. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement build analysis?

Create build performance analysis. Handle metrics collection. Support debugging tools. Implement analysis strategies.

How do you handle build security?

Implement secure build processes. Handle sensitive data. Support security scanning. Implement security measures.

How do you implement build automation?

Create automated build workflows. Handle CI/CD integration. Support automated testing. Implement automation strategies.

How do you handle build documentation?

Create comprehensive build documentation. Generate build reports. Support example configurations. Implement documentation updates.

What are API Routes in Next.js?

API Routes are serverless endpoints built into Next.js. Created in pages/api directory (Pages Router) or app/api directory (App Router). Handle HTTP requests and provide backend functionality.

How do you create a basic API route?

Create a file in app/api directory that exports default async function. Handle request methods (GET, POST, etc.). Return Response object. Example: export async function GET() { return Response.json({ data: 'hello' }) }

How do you handle different HTTP methods?

Export functions named after HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Or use conditional logic in Pages Router. Support method-specific logic. Handle unsupported methods.

How do you access query parameters?

Access query params through request.nextUrl.searchParams in App Router or req.query in Pages Router. Parse and validate parameters. Handle missing parameters.

How do you handle POST requests?

Access request body using await request.json() or similar methods. Validate request data. Process POST data. Return appropriate response.

What are dynamic API routes?

Use square brackets for dynamic segments [param]. Access parameters through route object. Support multiple dynamic segments. Handle parameter validation.

How do you handle API errors?

Return appropriate status codes and error messages. Use try-catch blocks. Implement error handling middleware. Support error logging.

How do you handle CORS in API routes?

Configure CORS headers using middleware or within route handlers. Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other headers. Handle preflight requests.

What are API middlewares?

Middleware processes requests before reaching route handlers. Handle authentication, logging, CORS. Support middleware chains. Implement custom middleware.

How do you handle file uploads?

Process multipart/form-data using appropriate middleware. Handle file storage. Validate file types and sizes. Implement upload progress.

How do you implement API rate limiting?

Implement rate limiting middleware. Track request counts. Set rate limits. Handle limit exceeded responses. Support different limit strategies.

How do you handle API authentication?

Implement authentication middleware. Verify tokens or credentials. Handle protected routes. Support different auth strategies.

How do you implement API caching?

Cache API responses. Handle cache invalidation. Set cache headers. Implement caching strategies. Support different cache stores.

How do you handle API validation?

Validate request data using schemas or validation libraries. Handle validation errors. Return appropriate error responses. Implement validation strategies.

How do you implement API logging?

Log API requests and responses. Track performance metrics. Handle error logging. Implement logging strategies. Support different log formats.

How do you handle API versioning?

Implement version control in API routes. Handle backwards compatibility. Support multiple versions. Implement versioning strategies.

How do you implement response compression?

Enable response compression middleware. Handle different compression types. Set appropriate headers. Implement compression strategies.

How do you handle API documentation?

Generate API documentation. Implement OpenAPI/Swagger. Support documentation updates. Implement documentation strategies.

How do you implement API monitoring?

Track API performance and usage. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement advanced error handling?

Create custom error classes. Handle different error types. Support error reporting. Implement error handling strategies. Manage error states.

How do you handle streaming responses?

Implement stream handling for large responses. Handle chunked transfer. Support progressive loading. Implement streaming strategies.

How do you implement API security measures?

Implement security best practices. Handle XSS/CSRF protection. Support security headers. Implement security strategies.

How do you handle GraphQL in API routes?

Integrate GraphQL server with API routes. Handle schema definition. Support resolvers. Implement GraphQL middleware.

How do you implement WebSocket support?

Handle WebSocket connections in API routes. Manage socket state. Support real-time communication. Implement WebSocket strategies.

How do you handle database transactions?

Implement transaction management in API routes. Handle rollbacks. Support nested transactions. Implement transaction strategies.

How do you implement API testing?

Create comprehensive API tests. Handle integration testing. Support unit testing. Implement test strategies. Manage test coverage.

How do you handle API performance optimization?

Implement performance improvements. Handle request optimization. Support response optimization. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement API analytics?

Track API usage patterns. Handle analytics integration. Support custom metrics. Implement analytics strategies.

How do you handle API deployment?

Implement deployment strategies for API routes. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions. Implement deployment patterns.

What is the difference between pages and components in Next.js?

Pages are special components that become routes automatically when placed in pages/ or app/ directory. Components are reusable UI pieces that don't create routes. Pages can use getStaticProps/getServerSideProps while components cannot.

What is a Server Component?

Server Components are rendered on server by default in App Router. Cannot use browser APIs or React hooks. Better performance and bundle size. Support async operations directly.

What is a Client Component?

Client Components use 'use client' directive. Can use browser APIs and React hooks. Enable interactive features. Run on client side after hydration.

How do you create a layout component?

Create layout.js file in app directory. Wraps child pages/components. Shares UI across routes. Supports nested layouts. Uses children prop for content injection.

What is component hydration?

Hydration attaches JavaScript event handlers to server-rendered HTML. Makes static content interactive. Happens automatically after initial load. Preserves server-rendered state.

How do you handle metadata in pages?

Use metadata object or generateMetadata function in page files. Set title, description, open graph data. Support dynamic metadata. Handle SEO requirements.

What is error handling in pages?

Create error.js files for error boundaries. Handle component errors. Support fallback content. Implement error reporting. Manage error states.

What are dynamic segments in pages?

Use [param] syntax for dynamic routes. Access parameters through props. Support multiple segments. Handle parameter validation. Implement dynamic routing.

How do you share state between components?

Use React Context, state management libraries, or lift state up. Handle component communication. Support state updates. Implement state management patterns.

How do you implement code splitting?

Use dynamic imports, route-based splitting, component-based splitting. Handle lazy loading. Support chunk optimization. Implement loading strategies.

How do you handle component optimization?

Implement performance optimizations. Use React.memo, useMemo, useCallback. Support component caching. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement component composition?

Create reusable component patterns. Handle component hierarchy. Support component inheritance. Implement composition strategies.

How do you handle component styling?

Use CSS Modules, styled-components, or other styling solutions. Handle dynamic styles. Support theme systems. Implement styling strategies.

How do you implement component testing?

Create unit tests, integration tests. Handle component rendering. Support interaction testing. Implement test strategies.

How do you handle form components?

Implement form handling logic. Handle validation. Support form submission. Implement form state management. Handle form errors.

How do you implement component libraries?

Create reusable component collections. Handle component documentation. Support theming. Implement component versioning.

How do you handle component animations?

Implement animation libraries or CSS transitions. Handle animation states. Support transition effects. Implement animation strategies.

How do you implement accessibility?

Follow ARIA standards. Handle keyboard navigation. Support screen readers. Implement accessibility patterns.

How do you implement advanced component patterns?

Create compound components, render props, higher-order components. Handle complex patterns. Support pattern composition.

How do you handle component performance monitoring?

Track render performance. Handle performance metrics. Support profiling tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement component security?

Handle XSS prevention, input sanitization. Support content security policies. Implement security measures.

How do you handle component internationalization?

Implement i18n support. Handle translations. Support RTL layouts. Implement localization strategies.

How do you implement component error boundaries?

Create error boundary components. Handle error recovery. Support fallback UI. Implement error reporting.

How do you handle complex state management?

Implement state management solutions. Handle global state. Support state persistence. Implement state patterns.

How do you implement component documentation?

Create component documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation strategies.

How do you handle component versioning?

Implement semantic versioning. Handle backwards compatibility. Support version migration. Implement versioning strategies.

How do you implement component architecture?

Design scalable component systems. Handle component organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design systems.

How do you handle component deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle build optimization. Support continuous integration. Implement deployment patterns.

What are layout components in Next.js?

Layout components are created using layout.js files. Share UI between pages. Support nested layouts. Handle persistent navigation and UI elements. Available in App Router.

How do you implement CSS Modules in Next.js?

Use .module.css files for component-scoped CSS. Import styles as objects. Support local class naming. Automatic unique class generation. Built-in support in Next.js.

What is global styling in Next.js?

Import global CSS in app/layout.js or pages/_app.js. Apply styles across all components. Support reset styles and base themes. Handle global styling patterns.

How do you handle responsive layouts?

Use media queries, CSS Grid, Flexbox. Support mobile-first design. Handle breakpoints. Implement responsive patterns. Support different screen sizes.

What are nested layouts?

Create multiple layout.js files in route segments. Support layout hierarchy. Share UI between related routes. Handle layout composition.

How do you use Tailwind CSS in Next.js?

Install and configure Tailwind CSS. Use utility classes. Support JIT mode. Handle Tailwind configuration. Implement responsive design.

What are route groups in layouts?

Use (group) folders to organize routes. Don't affect URL structure. Share layouts within groups. Support multiple groups.

How do you handle dynamic styles?

Use CSS-in-JS solutions or dynamic class names. Support runtime styles. Handle style variables. Implement dynamic theming.

What is CSS-in-JS support?

Support styled-components, Emotion, and other CSS-in-JS libraries. Handle server-side rendering. Support dynamic styles. Implement styling patterns.

How do you handle layout transitions?

Implement page and layout transitions. Support animation effects. Handle transition states. Implement smooth navigation experiences.

How do you implement theme systems?

Create theme providers and consumers. Handle theme switching. Support dark mode. Implement theme configuration. Manage theme variables.

How do you handle CSS optimization?

Implement CSS minification, purging, and bundling. Handle critical CSS. Support CSS splitting. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement grid systems?

Create responsive grid layouts. Handle grid areas. Support grid templates. Implement grid components. Manage grid responsiveness.

How do you handle CSS-in-JS performance?

Optimize runtime performance. Handle style extraction. Support server-side generation. Implement performance strategies.

How do you implement responsive images?

Use Next.js Image component. Handle srcset and sizes. Support art direction. Implement image optimization. Manage responsive breakpoints.

How do you handle CSS variables?

Implement CSS custom properties. Handle variable scoping. Support dynamic values. Implement theme systems. Manage variable inheritance.

How do you implement layout patterns?

Create reusable layout components. Handle layout composition. Support layout variations. Implement common patterns.

How do you handle CSS animations?

Implement CSS transitions and keyframes. Handle animation states. Support animation libraries. Implement animation patterns.

How do you implement style testing?

Create visual regression tests. Handle style snapshots. Support style assertions. Implement testing strategies.

How do you implement advanced layout patterns?

Create complex layout systems. Handle dynamic layouts. Support layout algorithms. Implement advanced patterns.

How do you handle CSS architecture?

Implement CSS methodology (BEM, SMACSS). Handle style organization. Support scalable systems. Implement architecture patterns.

How do you implement design systems?

Create comprehensive design systems. Handle component libraries. Support theme configuration. Implement system documentation.

How do you handle CSS performance monitoring?

Track CSS performance metrics. Handle style analysis. Support optimization tools. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you implement layout algorithms?

Create custom layout algorithms. Handle complex arrangements. Support dynamic positioning. Implement algorithm optimization.

How do you handle advanced animations?

Implement complex animation sequences. Handle animation orchestration. Support performance optimization. Implement animation systems.

How do you implement CSS modules at scale?

Handle large-scale CSS module systems. Support composition patterns. Implement naming conventions. Handle module organization.

How do you handle CSS security?

Implement CSS sanitization. Handle style injection prevention. Support content security policies. Implement security measures.

How do you implement style documentation?

Create comprehensive style guides. Generate documentation. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

How do you handle layout optimization?

Implement layout performance improvements. Handle reflow optimization. Support layout calculation. Implement optimization strategies.

What are the different state management options in Next.js?

Next.js supports multiple state management options: React's built-in useState and useContext, external libraries like Redux and Zustand, server state with React Query/SWR. Choose based on application needs.

How do you handle local component state?

Use useState hook for component-level state. Handle state updates. Support state initialization. Implement local state patterns. Manage state lifecycle.

What is Context API in Next.js?

Context API shares state between components without prop drilling. Create providers and consumers. Handle context updates. Support global state patterns.

How do you integrate Redux with Next.js?

Configure Redux store with Next.js. Handle server-side state hydration. Support Redux middleware. Implement Redux patterns. Manage store configuration.

What is SWR and how is it used?

SWR is a React hooks library for data fetching. Handles caching, revalidation, and real-time updates. Support optimistic updates. Implement data fetching patterns.

How do you handle form state?

Use form libraries like React Hook Form or Formik. Handle form validation. Support form submission. Implement form state patterns. Manage form data.

What is state persistence?

Store state in localStorage or sessionStorage. Handle state recovery. Support persistence strategies. Implement state serialization. Manage persistent data.

How do you handle URL state?

Use query parameters and URL segments for state. Handle URL updates. Support navigation state. Implement URL-based patterns. Manage route state.

What is state initialization in SSR?

Initialize state during server-side rendering. Handle state hydration. Support initial data loading. Implement SSR state patterns.

How do you handle async state?

Manage loading, error, and success states. Handle async operations. Support state transitions. Implement async patterns. Manage async flow.

How do you implement state machines?

Use state machine libraries like XState. Handle state transitions. Support finite states. Implement state machine patterns.

How do you handle real-time state?

Implement WebSocket or Server-Sent Events. Handle real-time updates. Support state synchronization. Implement real-time patterns.

How do you implement state middleware?

Create middleware for state operations. Handle state transformations. Support middleware chain. Implement middleware patterns.

How do you handle state versioning?

Implement state version control. Handle state migrations. Support backwards compatibility. Implement versioning patterns.

How do you implement state selectors?

Create selectors for state derivation. Handle memoization. Support selector composition. Implement selector patterns.

How do you handle state validation?

Implement state validation rules. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation patterns.

How do you implement state logging?

Create state change logs. Handle state debugging. Support logging middleware. Implement logging patterns.

How do you handle state synchronization?

Implement state sync between clients. Handle conflict resolution. Support offline state. Implement sync patterns.

How do you implement state testing?

Create state management tests. Handle state assertions. Support integration testing. Implement test patterns.

How do you implement advanced state patterns?

Create complex state management solutions. Handle state composition. Support state hierarchies. Implement advanced patterns.

How do you handle state performance?

Optimize state updates and access. Handle state normalization. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you implement state architecture?

Design scalable state systems. Handle state organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you handle state encryption?

Implement state data encryption. Handle key management. Support secure storage. Implement security measures.

How do you implement state monitoring?

Track state changes and performance. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle state migrations?

Implement state structure changes. Handle version migrations. Support data transformation. Implement migration strategies.

How do you implement state documentation?

Create comprehensive state documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

How do you handle state scalability?

Implement scalable state solutions. Handle large state trees. Support performance optimization. Implement scaling strategies.

How do you implement state debugging?

Create debugging tools and utilities. Handle state inspection. Support troubleshooting. Implement debugging strategies.

How do you handle state security?

Implement state access control. Handle authentication/authorization. Support security policies. Implement security measures.

What is the Next.js Image component?

Next.js Image component is an extension of HTML <img> tag. Provides automatic image optimization. Supports lazy loading, responsive sizing, and modern image formats. Handles image optimization on-demand.

How do you use the Next.js Image component?

Import Image from 'next/image'. Add src, alt, width, and height props. Component optimizes and serves images automatically. Example: <Image src='/img.png' alt='image' width={500} height={300} />

What are the benefits of image optimization?

Reduces image file size, improves page load speed, supports responsive images, optimizes for different devices, reduces bandwidth usage, improves Core Web Vitals scores.

How does lazy loading work with images?

Images load only when they enter viewport. Reduces initial page load time. Uses loading='lazy' attribute automatically. Supports intersection observer API.

What is responsive image sizing?

Images adapt to different screen sizes. Uses sizes prop for viewport-based sizing. Supports srcset generation. Implements responsive design patterns.

How do you handle image quality?

Use quality prop to set compression level. Default is 75. Balance between quality and file size. Support different quality levels for different images.

What is blur placeholder?

Shows blurred version of image while loading. Use placeholder='blur' prop. Supports blurDataURL for custom blur. Improves perceived performance.

How do you handle remote images?

Configure domains in next.config.js. Use loader prop for custom image service. Support remote image optimization. Handle remote image domains.

What are static image imports?

Import images as modules. Get width and height automatically. Support webpack optimization. Handle static image assets.

How do you configure image formats?

Support WebP, AVIF formats. Use formats prop for specific formats. Handle browser compatibility. Implement format strategies.

How do you implement art direction?

Use different images for different screen sizes. Handle responsive images. Support art direction patterns. Implement device-specific images.

How do you handle image preloading?

Use priority prop for LCP images. Handle critical images. Support preload strategies. Implement performance optimization.

How do you implement custom loaders?

Create custom image loaders. Handle external image services. Support custom optimization. Implement loader strategies.

How do you handle image caching?

Configure cache headers. Handle browser caching. Support CDN caching. Implement caching strategies.

How do you optimize SVG images?

Handle SVG optimization. Support inline SVGs. Handle SVG sprites. Implement SVG optimization strategies.

How do you handle image accessibility?

Implement alt text. Handle role attributes. Support screen readers. Implement accessibility patterns.

How do you implement image error handling?

Handle loading errors. Support fallback images. Implement error states. Handle error reporting.

How do you handle dynamic images?

Load images dynamically. Handle dynamic sources. Support runtime optimization. Implement dynamic patterns.

How do you implement image testing?

Create image component tests. Handle visual testing. Support integration testing. Implement test patterns.

How do you handle image loading performance?

Monitor loading metrics. Handle performance optimization. Support performance tracking. Implement loading strategies.

How do you implement advanced image optimization?

Create complex optimization strategies. Handle different use cases. Support optimization patterns. Implement advanced techniques.

How do you handle large-scale image processing?

Implement batch processing. Handle multiple images. Support processing queues. Implement scaling strategies.

How do you implement image transformation?

Create image transformations. Handle resizing, cropping. Support filters and effects. Implement transformation pipelines.

How do you handle image security?

Implement secure image handling. Handle access control. Support secure URLs. Implement security measures.

How do you implement image monitoring?

Track image performance metrics. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you handle image deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle CDN integration. Support caching systems. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement image documentation?

Create image component documentation. Generate API docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

How do you handle image optimization testing?

Test optimization performance. Handle metric validation. Support automation testing. Implement test strategies.

How do you implement image architecture?

Design scalable image systems. Handle architecture patterns. Support system organization. Implement design principles.

What are the authentication options in Next.js?

Next.js supports multiple authentication methods: JWT, session-based, OAuth providers, NextAuth.js library. Can implement custom authentication or use third-party solutions. Supports both client and server-side authentication.

What is NextAuth.js?

NextAuth.js is a complete authentication solution for Next.js applications. Provides built-in support for multiple providers (OAuth, email, credentials). Handles sessions, JWT, and database integration.

How do you handle JWT in Next.js?

Store JWT in HTTP-only cookies or local storage. Implement token verification. Handle token expiration. Support refresh tokens. Manage token lifecycle.

What is session-based authentication?

Store session data on server. Use session cookies for client identification. Handle session expiration. Support session persistence. Implement session management.

How do you implement OAuth authentication?

Configure OAuth providers. Handle OAuth flow. Support callback URLs. Implement user profile retrieval. Manage OAuth tokens.

How do you handle role-based access?

Implement role checking middleware. Define user roles. Handle permission checks. Support role hierarchies. Implement access control.

How do you secure API routes?

Implement authentication middleware. Verify tokens or sessions. Handle unauthorized requests. Support API security. Implement rate limiting.

What is CSRF protection?

Implement CSRF tokens. Handle token validation. Support form submissions. Implement security headers. Prevent cross-site request forgery.

How do you handle authentication state?

Manage user authentication state. Handle state persistence. Support state updates. Implement state management. Handle state synchronization.

How do you implement password hashing?

Use bcrypt or similar libraries. Handle password storage. Support password validation. Implement secure hashing. Manage salt generation.

How do you handle refresh tokens?

Implement token refresh logic. Handle token rotation. Support silent refresh. Implement refresh strategies. Manage token storage.

How do you implement social login?

Configure social providers. Handle OAuth integration. Support user profile mapping. Implement login flow. Manage provider tokens.

How do you handle permission systems?

Implement granular permissions. Handle permission checks. Support permission groups. Implement access control lists. Manage permission hierarchy.

How do you implement two-factor authentication?

Support 2FA methods. Handle verification codes. Implement backup codes. Support authentication apps. Manage 2FA setup.

How do you handle authentication errors?

Implement error handling. Support error messages. Handle recovery flows. Implement error logging. Manage error states.

How do you implement password reset?

Handle reset flow. Support reset tokens. Implement email notifications. Handle token expiration. Manage reset process.

How do you handle session management?

Implement session storage. Handle session cleanup. Support session validation. Implement session strategies. Manage session state.

How do you implement authentication testing?

Create authentication tests. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies. Manage test coverage.

How do you handle auth monitoring?

Track authentication metrics. Handle monitoring integration. Support analytics. Implement monitoring strategies. Manage monitoring data.

How do you implement OAuth 2.0 flow?

Handle authorization code flow. Support refresh tokens. Implement token exchange. Handle scopes. Manage OAuth state.

How do you handle token security?

Implement secure token storage. Handle token encryption. Support token validation. Implement security measures. Manage token lifecycle.

How do you implement multi-tenancy?

Handle tenant isolation. Support tenant authentication. Implement tenant routing. Handle tenant data. Manage tenant access.

How do you handle distributed authentication?

Implement distributed session management. Handle cross-domain auth. Support SSO integration. Implement auth strategies.

How do you implement audit logging?

Track authentication events. Handle audit trail. Support compliance requirements. Implement logging strategies. Manage audit data.

How do you handle compliance requirements?

Implement security standards. Handle data privacy. Support regulatory compliance. Implement compliance measures. Manage compliance reporting.

How do you implement authentication architecture?

Design scalable auth systems. Handle system organization. Support architecture patterns. Implement design principles.

How do you handle authentication performance?

Optimize authentication flow. Handle caching strategies. Support performance monitoring. Implement optimization techniques.

How do you implement security testing?

Create security test suites. Handle penetration testing. Support vulnerability scanning. Implement security measures.

How do you handle authentication deployment?

Implement deployment strategies. Handle environment configuration. Support scaling solutions. Implement deployment patterns.

What are Core Web Vitals in Next.js?

Core Web Vitals are key metrics measuring user experience: LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FID (First Input Delay), CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift). Next.js provides built-in optimizations for these metrics.

What is code splitting in Next.js?

Code splitting automatically splits JavaScript bundles by route. Reduces initial bundle size. Supports dynamic imports. Improves page load performance. Built into Next.js by default.

How does image optimization work?

Next.js Image component automatically optimizes images. Supports lazy loading, responsive sizes, modern formats. Reduces image file size. Improves loading performance.

What is automatic static optimization?

Next.js automatically determines which pages can be statically generated. Improves page load performance. Supports hybrid static and dynamic pages. No configuration required.

What is script optimization?

Next.js Script component optimizes third-party script loading. Supports loading strategies (defer, lazy). Prevents render blocking. Improves page performance.

How does route prefetching work?

Next.js automatically prefetches links in viewport. Reduces page load time. Supports custom prefetch behavior. Uses intersection observer API.

What is font optimization?

Next.js automatically optimizes font loading. Reduces layout shift. Supports CSS size-adjust. Implements font display strategies.

How does caching work in Next.js?

Next.js supports multiple caching strategies: build-time cache, server-side cache, client-side cache. Improves response times. Supports cache invalidation.

How do you implement lazy loading?

Use dynamic imports, React.lazy(), and Suspense. Handle component loading states. Support code splitting. Implement loading strategies.

How do you handle bundle analysis?

Use @next/bundle-analyzer, analyze bundle size, identify large dependencies. Support code splitting analysis. Implement size optimization.

How do you optimize rendering?

Implement memo, useMemo, useCallback hooks. Handle component optimization. Support render optimization. Implement rendering strategies.

How do you handle performance monitoring?

Use Web Vitals API, implement analytics, track performance metrics. Support performance tracking. Implement monitoring strategies.

How do you optimize CSS delivery?

Use CSS Modules, implement critical CSS, handle CSS-in-JS optimization. Support style optimization. Implement CSS strategies.

How do you handle resource prioritization?

Implement resource hints, handle preload/prefetch, optimize loading order. Support priority strategies. Implement resource optimization.

How do you optimize HTTP/2?

Configure server push, handle multiplexing, optimize request prioritization. Support HTTP/2 features. Implement protocol optimization.

How do you implement CDN optimization?

Configure CDN caching, handle asset distribution, optimize edge caching. Support CDN strategies. Implement delivery optimization.

How do you handle performance testing?

Implement load testing, measure performance metrics, use Lighthouse scores. Support performance benchmarking. Implement testing strategies.

How do you optimize for mobile?

Implement mobile-first optimization, handle responsive optimization, optimize touch interactions. Support mobile strategies. Implement device optimization.

How do you handle performance budgets?

Set performance targets, monitor metrics, implement budget tracking. Support performance goals. Implement budget strategies.

How do you optimize WebAssembly usage?

Implement WebAssembly modules, handle integration, optimize performance. Support WASM strategies. Implement optimization techniques.

How do you implement service workers?

Configure service workers, handle offline support, implement caching strategies. Support PWA features. Implement worker optimization.

How do you handle memory optimization?

Implement memory management, handle memory leaks, optimize resource usage. Support memory monitoring. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you optimize WebGL content?

Handle 3D rendering optimization, implement WebGL best practices, optimize graphics performance. Support graphics optimization. Implement rendering strategies.

How do you implement performance monitoring tools?

Create custom monitoring solutions, handle metric collection, implement analytics integration. Support monitoring strategies. Implement tool development.

How do you handle performance documentation?

Create performance guidelines, document optimization strategies, implement documentation updates. Support best practices. Implement documentation management.

How do you optimize build pipelines?

Implement build optimization, handle CI/CD performance, optimize deployment process. Support pipeline strategies. Implement optimization techniques.

What is middleware in Next.js?

Middleware runs before request is completed. Enables custom code execution between request and response. Can modify response, redirect requests, add headers. Defined in middleware.ts file.

How do you configure next.config.js?

next.config.js is used for custom Next.js configuration. Supports various options like rewrites, redirects, environment variables. Exports configuration object or function.

What are environment variables in Next.js?

Environment variables configured in .env files. Support different environments (.env.local, .env.production). Access via process.env. NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix for client-side access.

How do you handle redirects?

Configure redirects in next.config.js using redirects array. Support permanent/temporary redirects. Handle path matching. Implement redirect conditions.

What are rewrites in Next.js?

Rewrites allow URL mapping without path change. Configured in next.config.js. Support external rewrites. Handle path transformation. Maintain URL appearance.

How do you configure headers?

Add custom headers using headers in next.config.js. Support security headers, CORS headers. Handle header conditions. Implement header policies.

What is the middleware matcher?

Matcher defines paths where middleware runs. Uses path matching patterns. Support multiple matchers. Handle path exclusions. Configure middleware scope.

How do you handle webpack configuration?

Customize webpack config in next.config.js. Modify loaders, plugins, optimization settings. Support module customization. Handle build process.

What is the basePath configuration?

basePath sets base URL path for application. Useful for sub-path deployments. Handle path prefixing. Support path configuration.

How do you configure image domains?

Configure allowed image domains in next.config.js. Support external image optimization. Handle domain whitelist. Implement image security.

How do you implement custom middleware?

Create middleware functions. Handle request processing. Support middleware chain. Implement custom logic. Manage middleware flow.

How do you handle middleware errors?

Implement error handling in middleware. Support error recovery. Handle error responses. Implement logging. Manage error states.

How do you configure build optimization?

Optimize build settings in next.config.js. Handle bundling options. Support optimization flags. Implement build strategies.

How do you handle middleware composition?

Compose multiple middleware functions. Handle execution order. Support middleware chaining. Implement composition patterns.

How do you implement configuration validation?

Validate configuration settings. Handle validation errors. Support schema validation. Implement validation strategies.

How do you handle middleware testing?

Create middleware tests. Handle test scenarios. Support integration testing. Implement test strategies.

How do you configure module resolution?

Handle module aliases. Support path mapping. Configure module imports. Implement resolution strategies.

How do you handle middleware state?

Manage middleware state. Handle state persistence. Support state sharing. Implement state patterns.

How do you configure compression?

Handle response compression. Support compression options. Configure compression settings. Implement optimization strategies.

How do you handle CORS configuration?

Configure CORS settings. Handle cross-origin requests. Support CORS headers. Implement security policies.

How do you implement advanced middleware patterns?

Create complex middleware solutions. Handle advanced scenarios. Support pattern composition. Implement advanced strategies.

How do you handle configuration management?

Manage multiple configurations. Handle environment-specific settings. Support configuration versioning. Implement management strategies.

How do you implement security middleware?

Create security-focused middleware. Handle security measures. Support security policies. Implement protection strategies.

How do you implement logging middleware?

Create logging solutions. Handle log management. Support log analysis. Implement logging strategies.

How do you handle configuration scaling?

Scale configuration solutions. Handle large-scale settings. Support scaling strategies. Implement scaling patterns.

How do you implement documentation?

Create middleware documentation. Generate config docs. Support example usage. Implement documentation updates.

How do you handle deployment configuration?

Configure deployment settings. Handle environment setup. Support deployment strategies. Implement deployment patterns.

How do you implement testing strategies?

Create comprehensive test suites. Handle test scenarios. Support testing patterns. Implement test strategies.

What testing frameworks are recommended for Next.js?

Jest and React Testing Library are recommended for unit and integration testing. Cypress or Playwright for end-to-end testing. Vitest gaining popularity for faster test execution. Built-in Next.js testing support.

How do you set up Jest with Next.js?

Configure jest.config.js for Next.js. Set up environment and transforms. Handle module mocking. Support TypeScript testing. Default configuration available with next/jest.

How do you test pages in Next.js?

Use React Testing Library to render pages. Test page components. Handle data fetching. Support routing tests. Test page lifecycle.

What is the Next.js debugging process?

Use Chrome DevTools or VS Code debugger. Set breakpoints. Inspect component state. Handle error tracing. Support source maps.

How do you test API routes?

Mock HTTP requests. Test API endpoints. Handle response validation. Support API testing. Implement test scenarios.

What is snapshot testing?

Captures component output. Compares against stored snapshots. Detects UI changes. Support snapshot updates. Handle snapshot maintenance.

How do you debug server-side code?

Use Node.js debugger. Handle server breakpoints. Inspect server state. Support server-side debugging. Implement logging.

What is unit testing in Next.js?

Test individual components/functions. Handle isolated testing. Support test coverage. Implement unit test cases. Handle component logic.

How do you handle test data?

Create test fixtures. Handle mock data. Support test databases. Implement data generation. Handle test state.

How do you test data fetching?

Mock fetch requests. Handle async testing. Support data mocking. Implement fetch testing. Handle response simulation.

How do you implement integration testing?

Test component interactions. Handle feature testing. Support workflow testing. Implement integration scenarios. Handle component communication.

How do you debug performance issues?

Use React DevTools Profiler. Handle performance monitoring. Support optimization. Implement performance debugging. Handle bottlenecks.

How do you test authentication?

Mock authentication state. Handle protected routes. Support auth testing. Implement auth scenarios. Handle user sessions.

How do you handle test coverage?

Configure coverage reporting. Handle coverage goals. Support coverage analysis. Implement coverage tracking. Handle code coverage.

How do you test middleware?

Create middleware tests. Handle request processing. Support middleware testing. Implement test scenarios. Handle middleware chain.

How do you implement E2E testing?

Use Cypress or Playwright. Handle user flows. Support browser testing. Implement test scenarios. Handle end-to-end workflows.

How do you debug routing issues?

Handle route debugging. Support navigation testing. Implement route testing. Handle path resolution. Debug routing logic.

How do you test error handling?

Test error scenarios. Handle error boundaries. Support error testing. Implement error cases. Handle error recovery.

How do you test state management?

Test state changes. Handle state updates. Support state testing. Implement state scenarios. Handle state logic.

How do you implement advanced testing patterns?

Create complex test scenarios. Handle advanced cases. Support pattern testing. Implement testing strategies. Handle edge cases.

How do you handle test automation?

Implement CI/CD testing. Handle automated tests. Support test pipelines. Implement automation strategies. Handle continuous testing.

How do you implement performance testing?

Test performance metrics. Handle load testing. Support stress testing. Implement performance scenarios. Handle optimization testing.

How do you handle security testing?

Implement security tests. Handle vulnerability testing. Support penetration testing. Implement security scenarios. Handle security validation.

How do you implement test monitoring?

Track test execution. Handle test analytics. Support monitoring tools. Implement monitoring strategies. Handle test metrics.

How do you handle test documentation?

Create test documentation. Handle documentation updates. Support example tests. Implement documentation strategies. Handle maintenance.

How do you implement visual testing?

Use visual regression testing. Handle UI testing. Support screenshot testing. Implement visual validation. Handle visual comparison.

How do you handle test environments?

Configure test environments. Handle environment setup. Support environment isolation. Implement environment management. Handle configurations.

How do you implement continuous testing?

Set up continuous testing. Handle automated runs. Support test pipelines. Implement continuous strategies. Handle test automation.

How do you handle test maintenance?

Maintain test suites. Handle test updates. Support test refactoring. Implement maintenance strategies. Handle test debt.

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Tips to Ace Your nextjs Interviews

Master Rendering Patterns

Understand SSR, SSG, and ISR strategies.

Practice Data Fetching

Work with getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, and SWR.

Learn Routing and Layouts

Explore file-based routing and app directory structure.

Be Ready for Performance Questions

Expect discussions about optimization and caching strategies.

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