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Provide us with your job preferences, and will automatically find the best job matches across multiple platforms tailored to your profile

Rahul Kumar UI Developer at AgileCRM
Stark is an awesome product. It streamlined my job search by slashing over 100 hours of job searching and application into an effortless matching and auto-applying to 100+ Jobs

Rahul Kumar UI Developer at AgileCRM

Priyanka Bhatt, Fresher
Thanks to Stark, I landed an interview with my dream company and uncovered an incredible platform to exhibit my skills. With Stark badges boosting my expertise, And get easily connected with recruiters!

Priyanka Bhatt, Fresher

Ranveer Metha, Project Manager, Clickdesk
The tailored AI mock interview sessions containing role-based questions and answers tailored to my resume have helped me ace my interviews.

Ranveer Metha, Project Manager, Clickdesk


Ace Your Interviews

Practice AI Mock Interviews

Create a customized mock interview using real-world questions, instant feedback with AI sentiment analysis, and insights to ace your next interview

  • Improve with precision grammar checks
  • Analyze and refine your responses with sentiment analysis
  • Practice with industry-relevant questions for 150+ Skills